did anyone read about cults when a jw and think oh that sounds familiar?

by looloo 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • looloo

    i have recently read escape by a caroline jessop , about a flds lady that got away and when i was reading things she used to believe , that sounded like jw kind of stuff i wondered if a jw read it they may question what they believe , and could read it guilt free because i presume it would not be classed as apostate as it is critical of another relgion also another book about 3 sisters that left the children of god cult had similarities with jws , maybe your relatives that wont even look at apostate stuff would read these type of books .

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That sounds interesting.

  • journey-on

    In all honesty, looloo, I never equated anything negative with my religion. We were the exception to the rule ALWAYS!

    I heard the accusations that JWs are a cult with all the attending reasons to prove it, but I always just shook my head

    at their inability to comprehend our Truth and considered the accusers to be mislead and blinded by Satan.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Sounds like a good book. I remember the watchtower bringing up why they were not a cult while I was still in. I didn't read much about cults then, but in the back of my mind I wondered about some of their tactics.

    I have read Steve Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control now and the jws do qualify for the cult position. Anything along that line that you can get a jw to read is good for opening a crack in the mind control.

  • Gregor

    Sort of. It was November 1978. I had resigned as an elder and was very vulnerable to doubts. Then the Jonestown massacre/suicide exploded all over the news. Pure horror... and then I started making mental connections....

  • GermanXJW

    The New Apostolic Church is quite big in Germany. There was a time when they taught that the end of the world would come within the lifetime of their chief apostle. Of course, he died and nothing happened. Some JW made fun of it and I said that it is quite similar to our "Generation of 1914"-tenet. I was already in critical mood back then.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I didn't read anything about cults when I was a witness .

    However a Dr Phil show about two girls raised in a cult had a huge effect on me .These girls had terrible fear instilled to them that if they left the cult they would lose all family and be shunned . Just like witnesses they felt if they left they would die at Armagedon in total rejection from God . Dr Phil explained mind control to them and introduced Steve Hussan (sp?) After seeing so many similarities between their fears ,and my own it gave me the courage to look into websites on mind control and ultimately lead me here .

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