Update On My Sister

by Ranchette 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ranchette

    My sister was homeless for the second time in one month and my husband and I spent all week on the phone, computer and otherwise trying to find help for her or just figure out what to do. We couldn't support another person.
    The original story and thread on this is at * http://www.jehovahswitness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=12492&site=3

    Anyway I feel much better now knowing things are looking better.
    We drove to St Louis Sunday moved her out of that families home and put all her stuff in storage.

    I did not know this but ST Louis has around 45,000 Bosnian immigrants.
    My sister became friends with some of them and one of the guys has offered to let her stay at his place for a couple of weeks.
    We met him and saw his apt. He was very nice and clean cut. I just hope for the best.
    This is so much nicer and quieter than where she was. It’s all we could find on such short notice.
    Anyway I brought her a care pkg and we left her some money too.

    We had a talk with her about how ridiculous it is to try to hang on to a new truck when you are homeless and can’t keep up the insurance payments on it.
    The thing ate three weekly paychecks every month! She has to let it go. She has no credit anyway so any loss there.
    My husband bought her a car today that is fuel-efficient and only requires liability.
    Now she can start looking for a more permanent living situation with the money she will save on those stinking truck payments.
    She will have to adjust to the idea of driving an un-cool car."Beggers can't be choosers."
    We told her “just finish college and you will be able to drive just about any thing you want”
    We are supposed to finalize all this next week.

    I want to thank everyone for the emotional support and emails.
    I know there’s more bumps ahead but I feel like were helping her get somewhere.
    I’ll keep you posted.


  • bluesapphire

    (((((Ranchette))))) I'm glad to know such a person as you. I will keep your situation in my prayers.


  • Tatiana

    Ranchette, I'm so glad you found her somewhere to stay. And you're right about the truck. I learned that the hard way after getting laid off from Wards. A 320.00 payment (plus insurance)for a Blazer is not feasible when you've been laid off and living on unemployment. It was either..keep my 750.00 apartment, or sleep in the Blazer!

    I think she will be able to find her own place much faster now that she has no car payments. Please let us know how she's doing.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • outnfree


    You and your hubby are two FINE human beings!


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • larc


    I am glad that things are starting to turn around. It seems that with a busy life that all of us have, we sometimes have to drop everything to help someone in need. I admire you and your husband for making the sacrifice of time, money, and effort to help your sister. That is the way family should be. Everything the WT teaches about conditional love runs counter to the natural instinct to help family, those closest to us.

  • Ranch

    back up

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