help - orwellian 'DOUBLETHINK' kicking in

by alliwannadoislive 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • alliwannadoislive

    reading the watchtower 'readers ask' article (which so clearly is not a reader asking) about 'should we pray for disfellowshipped ones' and i had the horrible feeling of 'doublethink' kicking in - twisted reasoning trying to take me over and allow me to accept the incorrect thinking

    isn't this like a conditioned disgusting habit ?

    when will i get over this ?

    is this posting like i'm taking it to the elders ?

    and will you be praying with me for this ?

    incidently - there is a little irony here and i dun want any prayers really thank you ...

  • blondie

    Just think Pharisees and Talmud.

  • alliwannadoislive

    um ... i see ... well thank you for enlightening me blondie ... eek !

  • Farkel

    : ... i had the horrible feeling of 'doublethink' kicking in

    Recognizing doublethink for what it is, is 90% of the battle!

    Relax! You're doing just fine!


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • Grout

    Relax. Human brains are amazingly fallible, which is why so many stupid things refuse to die out. If you feel a pull toward believing something false, that's entirely normal! Giving in to that pull, letting your hindbrain win over your forebrain, would be the only true failure.

    It's not the destination, but the journey, as they say....

  • Stephanus

    The term "doublethink" is too grand for the crap the WBTS vomits out; I'd prefer "Double Dutch"!

  • Celtic

    Many of us are aware of the same processes at work, I cannot answer for you whether it will ever go away, but you kind of get used to it and rebuild your life more aware than ever before how these mind control cults operate.

    As the poster said above, you're doing fine, keep your focus



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