does anybody remember those....

by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    remember those cardboard long oblong posters with JW's yearly message on it ?

    i remember every year we would put a new one in our house .... anyone got any from the 80's would like to kick start a few memories ....

  • WTWizard

    Another one of those little things they did away with to homogenize the meetings. You used to get a new scenery each year to go along with the new text. Now it's all generic. Nothing to get excited about going into the Kingdumb Hell at least once a year.

    But, they will hound you now if you miss a single meeting.

  • brinjen

    That just bought back some memories... I remember those things, we used to have one on our lounge room wall every year, just above the mantel piece...

  • fokyc

    Just looking at an 'INFORMANT' for December 1955

    Guess What? "Get Ready for Watchtower Campaign" and

    'Making the Most of Our Time' and

    A 3 book offer WOW!


  • megaflower

    Yes, I remember them. Every good JW household would have one or more. Yes, the spiritual ones of the congration always had one. cough cough

  • dogisgod

    Oh yeah, that was an exciting event. (how sad is that?) I don't remember anyone having them in their homes though.

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