William Cetnar

by FreeFallin 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreeFallin

    Could anyone tell me a little bit about the man and his book? Is it worth reading? Also where can I get it. It's not listed in the Free Minds catalog. Thank you in advance.

    Free Fallin'

  • ZazuWitts


    You might want to check:


    I believe there is an on-line catalog, and they may have the Cetnar's book. It has been years, and years since I read it - it was a small, thin, book, mostly about their experiences at Bethel, as I recall. Bill and Joan started the 'Witnesses for Jesus' group, which still meets every Fall in Pennsylvania. Bill has been dead for many years; had a fatal heart-attack.
    That's about all I can tell you. If they wrote more than this one book, I am not aware of it.

  • DocBob
  • FreeFallin

    ZaZAWitts and DocBob

    Thank you both for the information. Bill Cetnar and his wife live close to me. I've only heard vague references to them as "apostates." Since the UN deal I've been glued to this computer, reading and finding out how many ways I've been deceived over the years. Something like finding our spouse has cheated on us, suddenly every phone call or scrap of paper takes on new meaning.


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