A snake in the garden

by freedomfighter 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomfighter

    The last 3 circuit assemblys that i attended the following was announced - " A snake has been sighted in the gardens around our assembley hall. Please keep your children out of the garden areas"

    The first time this was announced there were a few gasps from concerned parents. The second time there was less reaction. The third time just sounded rediculous!

    I know this is very trivial, but i thought "Why not just say' keep your kids out of the garden areas please Brothers?' "

    I knew, and most people knew they were making it up. From an organisation that forbids lying, it's just lame! ......I'll bet a million bucks that next assembly there will be a snake in the garden.

    Which reminds me of another announcement that i became sick of hearing ( Usually after Sunday lunch break ) - " We thankyou Brothers and Sisters for your support in paying the costs for use of this wonderful meeting place. However, we still have a deficit of 3-4 thousand dollars. We trust that with your generosity we can cover that cost, ....You may be seated....."

    Since i can remember, we have ALWAYS been running at a deficit around Sunday Lunch. Funny that. If the JW's own the hall outright, does it really cost that much to meet there for 2 days? I very much doubt that.

    And back to the snake. Who used a snake as part of a lie in the past?


  • kifoy
    I'll bet a million bucks that next assembly there will be a snake in the garden.

    Now, that would have been a really lame lie here in Norway, where we don't have snakes (well, we may have two species, one poisonous, but not dangerous at all).

    But the "we're short of money to cover the expenses" message, we got every time also here. I always thought it was because they made this announcement on the first or second day, and many of the brothers and sisters always waited until the last day to put something on the box. I know we, when I was a kid, always put money in the box the last day (and would have done so even without the cry from the platform).


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    The Raby Assembly hall is very nice, better then the ratty Greenacre factory we once used. But thousands of dollars in fee's to use the hall?? Why??? We built it, volunteers clean and care for it, so why do we pay so much. Do you think the snake maybe is real?? It is in the country, although we never had snakes when I was there.

  • Honesty

    The biggest snake can be found at 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn, NY 11201.

    He's a dandy

  • shell69

    Hows about; Brothers & sisters, there are peodiphiles in our midst, please accompany your children to the bathroom at all times!

    And yeah, I agree, it always did puzzle me as to why it costs sooo much to hold a circuit assembly in a building that we own?


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Could it have a double meaning? My first thought was pedophiles, or apostates.

  • SixofNine

    ".....I'll bet a million bucks that next assembly there will be a snake in the garden."




    I think you should make sure of that..... by putting a snake in the garden.

  • primitivegenius

    nah............... id say find yourself a snake a few days ahead of time............ take it there the first day and when they announce it........ walk up and say NO I CAUGHT IT............ feel free to play in the garden and throw it on the stage and exit........................... lol

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