WTBTS Real Estate

by OhHappyDay 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • OhHappyDay

    At least in Germany each Congo "donates" his Kingdom Hall to the WTBTS if the Congo is dissolved (wich never happened yet, but the WTBTS is well-prpared for a massive drop-out).

    The Assembly Halls in Germany where property of local corporations. As they should be also "donated" to the WTBTS if the local corporation would be dissolved since 2 years the Halls belong directly to the Watchtower. (The WTBTS gave orders to dissolve the Owner-Corporations...)

    Anybody knows if it is that way in other countries?

    And what happens if the german branch gets dissolved?

    Who will own the Halls and the Branch Properties?


    What about the WTBTS of NY as owner of Brooklyn?
    (By the way: wich corporation owns Patterson & Wallkill?)

    If those corporations would be dissolved - is there a written rule who will get the benefits?

    Please share your thoughts and facts:


    Happy Day!!

  • Amazing

    I understand that the WTS operates the same here in the USa, where the Congregation corporation by-laws deed the Kingdom Hall to the Society in the event of the dissolution of a congregation. This is done to protect the Society from losing the Kingdom Hall to ex-JWs who take control, such as happened in Bonham, Texas. The actual recorded deeds do not show the Society as having title, but the title is transferred from the dissolved congregation. I do not fault the Society for doing this. They were foolish not to do it in the first place. I have no doubt that today, in other countries, the Society has a legal "Holding Corporation" that is the beneficiary in the event anything should happen to a Branch Corporation.

    This is also commonly done in other denominations. The proceeds from the sale of such transferred assets are then dedicated to a charitable cause approved by the General Conference, Synod, or Convention. This prevents some few remaining locals from seizing the Church, and then making a personal profit from the sale of the assets. And this has happened in the case of some totally independant churches not affiliated with a Convention. When the congregation dwindles, and there are maybe one or two Directors left, they simply sell the church and pocket the proceeds.

    The difference between the Watch Tower Society and other denominations, is that the Society takes the proceeds and donates it to whatever fund "within" the Society that they wish to doante. Whereas other denominations will forward the proceeds os a church sale to the charity selected by the individual church. Thus, the Denomination does not benefit from the demise of a local church. The Elders of a Kingdom Hall could do the same, if they so chose. But, I am certain that they would never deviate in this matter from what the Watch Tower Society directs. - Amazing

  • Kent

    Same way in Norway. The congo sells their old KH, to build a new one. All the money goes to a fund, owned by the Watchtower. IF, it says in the legal papers, something should happen, all the funds of the Watchtower Norway should go to Brooklyn, which owns it all :))

    I have the papers on Observer.

    Then they build a new hall, and collects money from the members. The money they don't have, they borrow from the fund, and pay interest rates. The new Hall is normally (not always) donated to the Fund - and if not, the Watchtower has legal claims because of the loans. When the loans are payed, it's donated anyway.

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Amazing

    Hi Kent: You make an excellent point about how the Societyt double-dips the JWs for the cost of the Hall. I will make post and show just how this works out to the enourmous advantage of the Society, the true "Profit" organization. Thanks again. - Amazing

  • OhHappyDay

    this are interesting remarks.

    BUT- what happens with the ULTIMATE holding. Are there public docs wich state to where should go the propertie of WTBTS of NY?

    As Kent said once: Follow the money...

    Where is this chain going to??

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