The UN in Prophecy? Forget It!

by metatron 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    I have to shake my head and sigh whenever these prophetic
    (or pathetic) fantasies appear about the UN. Far from being a
    powerful world ruling 'wild beast', the UN is an underfunded,
    bureaucratic forum for third world countries to spout nonsense.

    And military power? You've got to be kidding!

    Some years ago, the Village Voice ran an expose about UN soldiers
    and their mission ineffectiveness. Many of them are from poor
    countries - little more than low paid mercenaries with meagre
    incentive to risk their lives in distant lands for causes they
    barely understand. The government issuing troops might get paid
    - and then give SOME of that money to the troops. Additionally,
    UN troops have been accused of poor discipline and committing
    war crimes including torture of captives - any of you Canadians
    remember an inquiry about this several years ago in regard to
    Adding to all this, because soldiers are drawn from different
    nations, the command structure can be unworkable. Do the soldiers
    speak the same language? In Somalia, I recall that some US soldiers
    may have been technically commanded by one or more Turkish officers.

    In short, if it amuses you, you can believe that the UN is a
    fearsome world-ordering conspiracy. The reality involves
    begging the US congress for men and money for far away missions
    that accomplish little. The UN doesn't want to go to Afghanistan -
    I don't blame them!

    If there's another terrorist attack on NYC, I wanna be safe
    at UN headquarters - after all why waste a good terrorist effort
    on something not worth blowing up?


  • joelbear

    Yes, on this I agree with Metatron.

    The 8th world power? No way Jose. Not even close.

    Much closer to being correct in terms of prophecy is the clay feet of the statue which supposedly represents the unorganized political forces like those of Yugoslavia and now Afganistan. This is the closest to correct prophecy of any of the WT teachings that I know of.

    King of North and King of South was simply wrong. Russia did not come to own all the treasures of the earth.

    8th world power, nope.

    I would even dispute that the English and US have ever actually had total world dominance. Spain and France clearly shared colonial power with them earthwide and rivaled the size of the English reach during certain time periods (the Napoleonic age for example). The prophecies conveniently skip 100s of year of actual history at points. The first 6 world powers are in fairly close succession and all basically ruled over the fertile crescent area. Egypt Assyria Babylon MedoPersia Greece Rome. Then after Rome we skip 1200 or so years and change the definition of a world power and ignore the fact that for 150 years or so, the English and the Americans were enemies and certainly not part of the same world power structure. France was a closer ally of the US for the first 150 years than England was.


  • ashitaka

    I agree with both of you.

  • ISP

    I tend to agree, Metatron.

    The US consulted NATO re military action and article 15 (?) i.e. the communial response by members when one is attacked. The UN was not considered although it condemned the WTC attack. I doubt the UN would have advocated the bombing of Afghanistan. So I also agree the UN is a dead duck in prophecy.

    The Brooklyn boneheads have the UN destroying world religion...when it maintains the persons 'right to believe.'

    Oh well, guess there's always time for more 'new light' as the end aint coming any time soon.


  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    read daniel 2 verse 43. it sayeth:"Wheras thou sawest iron mixed with mirey clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men"
    If men are mankind, who is THEY?
    Something OTHER than man. ALIENS!?

  • Pathofthorns

    Somalia was a disgrace.

    Although you make some valid comments about the UN, I do feel that in the future it is in the best interest of humanity to act globally on many issues. It is in the best interests of nations to respect and operate within the body of international law.

    While the UN has its faults and has made its mistakes, so has the US and NATO. IMO it is far better for the international community to enforce world peace, than for individual nations to take things into their own hands with a foreign policy to suit their own agendas.

    It is much easier to hate and target a particular country when it acts on its own than it is to hate the whole world.

    Maybe the UN is more of a concept and an ideal that the WT found facinating. The reality of making it work is a challenge, but I do think that it is the way enlightened humanity is heading.


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