My *&^%$#@ in laws are fishing

by Mrs Smith 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I haven't been t a meeting in over 9 years, today a friend of my MIL phones to get her postal address and invites me to the meeting. I told her that I would not be going there again and she asked me if I go to church!!!! What kind of question is that for a JW to ask. I'm sure it's my in laws fishing for information. This women has not spoken to me for years and now she wants to know if I go to church!! What the hell is wrong with these people. I cannot believe how angry this has made me.

  • journey-on

    Don't ya' know? If she discovers a juicy tidbit to tell the elders about, she gets EXTRA POINTS WITH JEHOVAH!

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Her husband is an elder! She was always one those nosey types that just could help putting her nose where it doesn't belong. Her daughter went overseas for a while after high school and came back pregnant. I would have thought that that would have made her think twice before gossiping. Some people just never learn do they?

  • changeling

    JW's live to "stir the pot"!


  • JK666

    The elders might have put her up to it. They seem to be trying to purge the Borg of people that might be a danger to their control. Be careful what you say to these spies, it could ruin your fade.


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Thanks JK. It amazes me how JW have no cencept of privacy. They think that they can discuss anything with anyone. I have calmed down a bit since yesterday.

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