Watchtower | Christian Science | Mason Connection?

by Derrick 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    First take a look at a photo of Watch Tower founder Charles Taze Russell's grave:

    Notice that Christian Science also uses the Knights Templar Symbol.


  • Ranchette


    I was wondering the same thing today because someone wrote a post and they pointed out that Free Masons have different Levels of enlightnment or knowledge.
    Im' not sure of the termonology but Christian Scientist do too.

    It could just be a coincidence but I'd like to know if they are related in any way except for being strange.


  • larc


    How is the network doing? How much of the world is now controlled by the Masons, Iluminati, the JWs, the Cristians Scientists, the Mormans, and others you might add into this vast conspiracy? Does this collective of collaborative organizations rule the world yet? Who is not a part of this comingled organization?

  • Ranchette


    I just realized lots of religions and cults have different levels of learning.

    Probably no connection after all, just strange.


  • larc


    I asked you a question about the extent of the organizational control of this world and the other organizations involved besides the ones commonly mentioned. Do you have an answer?

  • Derrick

    larc wrote:

    > I asked you a question about the extent of the organizational control of this world and the other organizations involved besides the ones commonly mentioned. Do you have an answer?

    If I did have a definitive answer, larc, I would publish a book and try selling it on ;-)

    Seriously, though, from an organizational perspective I feel like someone standing in a hall of mirrors filled with a mist or fog that lessens visibility. I can state with reasonable accuracy, "someone must have designed this place, it's surely not a natural anomaly." (Do I hear someone whispering "Duh?" from the crowd?) Then I can speculate that its purpose is to cause someone inside its confines to wander around aimlessly, perhaps to distract them for some unknown reason. But I really don't know who constructed this place or what their motive is for luring people into it. This is a metaphor for many organizations. They all seem like arms and tenacles on a giant squid. Cutting off an arm or tenacle and it grows back. Kill its brains and the entire organism dies. Organizations left standing after its demise were obviously never part of it. In the same vein, I believe the true test of Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization will come after the head of the giant "squid" is severed.


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