Do elders take vows, and what are they?

by rebel8 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    More specifically, do they have to repent of past wrongdoings, and do they have to make amends to those they harmed in the past? (I know, this question sounds like AA.)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Nope. They're just asked if there's any reason they shouldn't be appointed. I think they are also now asked if they've ever been involved in child molestation. Not sure though.

    Other than that they just vow to make sure not to use their brains or question the Borg.

    Open Mind

  • lawrence

    Vows of repentance - hell no!

    Vows to bust everyone's chops - hell yes!

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    That's a good question ... maybe they SHOULD make a vow. Then again what's the use, it's not like they'll stick to it anyway.

  • lurker

    Speaking as an ex elder there are no vows taken. The only vow is that, everyone takes on baptism. Although some are bigger jerks than others and tend to stick closer to the rules. As for myself when I was younger I was more rigid. When I got older I slacked off and had more compassion for individuals. Now since resigning I have a much more relaxed view of things and absolutely no stress. I can not see now how I ever wanted to be an elder in the first place. I pray that I will be forgiven for some of my treatment of people when I was younger many times a hard A. Anyway that's my two cents.

  • NotBlind

    The night one is appointed as an elder, two elders simply meet with him in the back room and ask him if there is any reason why he shouldn't be appointed. No question is asked regarding former child molestation, etc. The 'encounter' takes all of two minutes.

    Technically, the 2001 KM School instructed elders to do this 45 minutes before the beginning of the Ministry School the night he is appointed to speak with him at length about his 'new role', but in practice, this seldom happens.

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