the less people know

by lrkr 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lrkr

    "The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it."

    Ain't it so!!

    Its a great quote from a book called "Your Answers Questioned." The book is full of gems for people (like me) who are starting to question everything they've ever been taught.

  • garybuss

    A sage once told me that he'd never met an expert that had only read one book. He said to understand a topic I had to study point and counterpoint and if I couldn't debate both sides with equal competency, I didn't know enough about the subject to be talking about it.

    He showed me how to go into counterpoint until I got confused. Confusion is the desired effect and from that point I can learn. Beware that which I am sure.

  • poppers

    " "Your Answers Questioned."

    Written by Osho? If so, I have that book, and it's great.

    Osho, formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was brilliant but he himself got caught up in his own ego (or so it appeared) and there is much controversy surrounding him and his movement, especially in how it relates to the ashram he had in Oregon. He set himself up as a guru (or at the very least he allowed himself to be viewed as one) yet preached/taught against gurus. His books are transcripts of extemporaneous talks and they are true gems of insight. My advice is to look past what you think you know of him, what others have said of him and what surrounded him, and examine yourself in the light of what he writes about.

    Some more quotes from him:

    "Your thoughts are not you. There is a constant traffic. On the screen of your mind so many thoughts are moving, but you are not one of them. You are a witness, you are outside; you are seeing the thoughts moving.

    Anything that you can see is not you. That should be the criterion: Anything you can witness is not the you. You are the witness."


    "Before you can relate with somebody else, relate with yourself: that is the basic requirement to be fulfilled. Without it, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible."


    "Only blind people believe in light. Those who have eyes don't believe in light, they simply see it."


    "Truth cannot be transferred. Truth cannot be handed over to you by somebody else, because it is not a commodity. It is not a thing, it is an experience."


    "Theists and atheists both are victims. The really religious person has nothing to do with the Bible or the Koran or the Bhagavad Gita. The really religious person has a deep communion with existence. He can say yes to a rose flower, he can say yes to the stars, he can say yes to people. He can say yes to his own being, to his own desires. He can say yes to whatsoever life brings to him."


    "Belief is comfortable, convenient; it dulls. It is a kind of drug; it makes you a zombie.

    "A zombie can be a Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan-but they are all zombies, with different labels. And sometimes they get fed up with one label, so they change the label: The Hindu becomes a Christian, the Christian becomes a Hindu-a new label, a fresh label, but behind the label the same belief system.

    "Destroy your beliefs. Certainly it will be uncomfortable, inconvenient, but nothing valuable is ever gained without inconvenience."


    Good luck Irkr, and enjoy the book.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for nothing poppers.

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