Did Jeremiah write Lamentations and the book of Jeremiah?

by bernadette 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bernadette

    The June1 Watchtower tells us in its article on highlights from the book of Lamentations

    "The prophet Jeremiah sees the fulfillment of the judgement message that he has been uttering for 40 years. ............. composed in 607 B.C.E....."

    When was it composed and by whom?

    Also the NWT has the composition date for the book of Jeremiah as 580 and 607 for lamentations ?????

    I apologise if this question has already been dealt with.


  • Narkissos

    Lamentations are ascribed to Jeremiah and put just after the book of Jeremiah in the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate traditions, but not in the Hebrew one (it's part of the "writings," ketubim, not the "Prophets," nebi'im). In fact the book opposes Jeremiah's theological and political stances on many points (there are no true prophets, 2:9, looking to Egypt for help, 4:17, praise of Zedekiah, 4:20).

    The book of Jeremiah probably contains many authentic traditions of Jeremiah, but it was not put in its final form (and in at least two completely different editions, as reflected in the Greek Septuagint and the Hebrew Masoretic text), with a lot of additions (and probably many more in the longer Masoretic version than in the shorter Septuagintic text).

  • bernadette

    thankyou Narkissos

    In fact the book opposes Jeremiah's theological and political stances on many points (there are no true prophets, 2:9, looking to Egypt for help, 4:17, praise of Zedekiah, 4:20).

    that's interesting - wonder what the wts has to say about those verses - am going to check later.


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