Felt the affect of a WTS policy

by cyberdyne systems 101 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I took my two children home today, and was about to step in when my ex says, 'i've got people here'. It turned out to be her sister (also a JW). Normally i'm ok to go in, but not this time, if I ever go in and she happens to be there she doesnt say a word to me. I know its not all that bad, but it did cause me to have some anger inside, simply because they follow the idea's of men. I can't blame them, as i know what its like to be that far in, but I wish more people would be able to think about the teachings and have doubts - there is just no getting through to some people I guess.

    CS 101

  • OnTheWayOut
    I can't blame them, as i know what its like to be that far in, but I wish more people would be able to think about the
    teachings and have doubts - there is just no getting through to some people I guess.

    I try to say "They are mind-control cult victims, they can't help it. I was just like them, but woke up.
    There is hope for them." That allows me to overlook the cult behaviours like shunning and judging and
    condemning any acts that aren't theocratic enough.

  • Quentin

    Tuff thing empathy...hard to practise...especialy when logic and reason are absent in the other...for me, I found it best to bite the bullet and go about my bussiness...easier to be kind than show empathy...

  • free2think
    - there is just no getting through to some people I guess.

    I know exactly what you mean CS, they just been so brainwashed that there's no reasoning with some people. At least you got to spend some quality time with your children and hopefully your example is planting seeds in their minds for later on.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Thanks for your reply's, i'm over it now. Just wanted to speak about it.

    CS 101

  • penny2

    Bringing your children home is necessary family business, isn't it. So you have a proper reason for being there. What would happen if you said, "That's nice," stepped in anyway and acknowledged the sister. I guess she wouldn't say anything back and you would feel embarrassed. Annoying!

    Hopefully one day your children will see the nonsense in it all.

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