Hello again

by ballistic 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been on the site much these days. Since I got back from the USA, I got a new job with another bank, which is as boring as ever, and my girlfriend moved in. We're having a lot of fun living together and going out to the beaches and cliffs around here every weekend or so. I haven't really felt the need to be on the site as much but still think about you all regularly. Many of the evenings I spent on here with a beer are now tied up with my girlfriend (not literally!) but also some of the religious topics were beginning to slighty make me feel uncomfortable and I was finding it hard to stay on religious topics without making a real effort or some tenuous link. Anyhow, here's a panorama I took this weekend. It's 6 Mb so will take a while to load on dial up. This is the local coastline here. All the best for now.


  • Moomin

    Hi, That's brilliant where is that, Devon?

  • Crumpet

    Hey good to see you! No surprises I'm still here - more than ever now that I live alone!

    While i was waiting for your post to appear I was getting worried as the google ads at the top came up with "my girlfriend's dead". Clearly I was relieved to find nothing could be further from my truth. Please pass on my love!

  • KW13

    Hey Brian glad things are working out for ya - My Gf is pregnant if ya didn' t know already, all the best mate.

  • juni

    Hi Brian!!

    So good to hear from you. Thanks for sharing the beautiful panoramic coastline pic. Gorgeous! Sounds like you are in a good place - happy for you. I can understand why you don't post much anymore- you've moved on now.

    Thanks so much though for stopping in to say "hi"!!




    Hi...glad to see your post! I'll go take a look at your pics!



    Very nice pics...I can see why you like to go there! Thanks for posting those for us.


  • onacruse

    Hello Brian!

    We've walked many of the same paths, though we live 12,000 miles from each other.

    However, some may say that I tend to be more ballistic than you!

    Good to "see" you again.


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