Society won't risk being sued "for the sake of the Good News" - thoughts?

by UnConfused 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • UnConfused

    Have you noticed that while anything can happen to publishers “for the sake of the good news” the Society can’t risk being sued “for the sake of the good news”?

    The Society will quote and site scripture as to the trials Paul experienced for the “sake of the good news”

    The Society will tell the life stories of JW’s who have suffered personally, some ultimately “for the sake of the Good News”

    All relating to how those faithful people would risk personal harm and suffering to bring the “Good News” to people;

    ……..but if the risk is law suits directed toward the Society……..well now………we better not risk that!

    Policies for everything from how preaching is conducted in “gated communities”to “Do not calls” are affected by – not threats of personal harm to the actual preachers – but threat of law suit toward the Society.

    Blood: Children can die “for the sake of the Good News”, but tread carefully Society, make sure all things are worded so that you aren't sued by unbelieving relatives!

    Also they have cowardly changed policy to not disfellowship witnesses for joining the military and now for taking a blood transfusion – they have “disassociated themselves” the Society claims.

    No longer does the Society “charge” for the magazines – because similar to being sued – they just can’t pay taxes for the “sake of the Good News” – here or in France.

    What other things will the Society allow individuals to suffer “for the sake of the Good News” while they avoid “for the sake of themselves”?

  • carla

    How true!

  • free2think

    I've never thought of it like that before but it's so true, they really ave covered themselves haven't they . Thanks unconfused.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good points unconfused.

    The wts will do anything to protect their reputation as well, even allowing children to be subjected to the most horrible abuse rather than report what is happening to the authorities.

    They encourage people to give up their lives to serve at bethel, paying them a pittance to live on then casting them out with virtually nothing once they have no further use for them.

  • AlphaOmega
    Also they have cowardly changed policy to not disfellowship witnesses for joining the military

    I wasn't aware of this... It's a bit off topic I know, but can you point me in the right direction for anything that says this.

    I was only aware of a "change" to allow non-combat roles. Is this what you are refering to?

    Thanks, and a very good point about the Org.


  • UnConfused

    Perhaps I phrased it poorly - if you join the military, and this has been in effect a long time actually, you are announced as "Disassociated by your own actions"

    They started doing this so they wouldn't get charged with sedition.

    Although I guess now either way they just announce you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • AlphaOmega

    Thanks for that. I wasn't even aware of it anyway.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    No responsiblity for the "prophecies" either ........ it wasn't was "some zealous brothers"

    There's no "we" or "us" ..... Jw literature talks about "them"

    No one's responsible - like shining a light at vermin - everyone scatters, and all that's obvious is the mess left behind

  • seek2find

    Mat 23:4 They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger. (NIV)

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