WT printing

by startingover 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • startingover

    I was just visited with a memorial invite, and the inviter was accompanied by a bethelite. I told her that I heard the printing was no longer done there, all moved to Walkill. She said the reason they did that was because the new presses would not fit in the building in Brooklyn. She also bragged about the WTS owning some very prime pieces of property in DUMBO, but did not build there to house the priinter because of oppositiion, she actually said the city didn't want another "commrcial" operation there (she hit the nail on the head with that one without even realizing it). By the way things were said, I could tell both of them were totally impressed with the WT's money.

    She also said the computer operations were moved from Walkill to NYC because there was more room. One would think that modern technology would decrease the size of machinery like it has for everything else.

    This is nothing new I suppose, but I did find the comment about there not being enough room for the new press a little humorous.

    I seriously thought about asking her what her plans would be if she and her husband were asked to leave, but I decided it would be better to leave that unsaid.

  • Honesty

    I seriously thought about asking her what her plans would be if she and her husband were asked to leave, but I decided it would be better to leave that unsaid.

    Yeah, no need to upset their little apple cart as they chase that rancid Watchtower carrot that keeps proclaiming SOON, SOON, SOON.

  • ocsrf

    From what I know, the story about the NYC buildings not being big enough to house the new high speed presses is truthful.

    The most important thing is that the floor must be perfectly level. It maybe that this can be best achieved in a new building built to house this equipement, rather than spend $$$ trying to make an old building handle such high tech. equipement.


  • Arthur

    Looking back in retrospect, I see how I was overly impressed with the fact that the Society owned large buildings, nice real estate, and significant amounts of property. I was swayed by the nice pictures that are printed in the various publications (especially KM) that show off the large buildings and property that the Society has purchased or built. Such material expansion was held in high esteem and seemed to be a sign of Jehovah's blessing.

    I wonder if the Mormon Church or the Vatican's ownership of large amounts of property and impressive buildings is also a sign of God's blessing?

  • Stealth453

    I wonder if the Mormon Church or the Vatican's ownership of large amounts of property and impressive buildings is also a sign of God's blessing?

    Nope...just that they too screw their members out of money.

  • startingover

    I grew up as a JW in a very Catholic town. It was a time when the JW's did not own a bunch of property, I remember going with my parents as my dad gave public talks out of town, and it was always in a little room above a store, or some other rented space, many times a house, it was never in a building the JW's owned. I remember by parents and others making comments about the Catholics and all their real estate holdings. and the Catholics' wealth served as proof that the they were faulty as a religion. How things have changed. Now the JW's wealth is proof they have the truth, and my parents could never see the double standard in this.

  • Lynnie

    I was talking with my mother the other day (I'm disfellowshipped for 30 years now) and she's planning on giving the proceeds of her house to the WTBS when she dies instead of leaving it to me. I told the WTBS didn't need any money and of course she thinks they do! She used to full time pioneer for many years until her husband got sick and she had to take care of him (he recently passed away). She has never received any money from the Society for all her hard work throughout the years but that doesn't seem to matter. And the fact that she doesn't seem to care if I'm destitute in my old age is truly amazing! (I'm 50 now) I told her she could leave the house to me and she reacted like she never even thought about it!!!!! Of course she's always mentioned that she would be knocking on my door when SHE was destitute but I guess it doesn't work the other way around as usual with the fantastic JWs.

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