How big is your carbon footprint?

by Fe2O3Girl 6 Replies latest social current

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I worked out my carbon footprint using this article:,,1997277,00.html

    This does require a calculator and a pen and paper to complete - it isn't a tick box quiz, but I think the results are worth looking into.

    According to my calculations, I am just under the average for Britain. My car travel made up a big chunk of my nearly 9mt. I drive a diesel, and the longest single trip I make is to Aberdeen (about 350 miles).

    Thinking about my electricity usage reminded me that as we have decorated and put new light fittings in, we have managed to have different bulbs in nearly every room in the house - and none of them are energy saving bulbs. I can't decide whether it is more environmentally friendly (and economical) to replace my lightfittings or not. Carry on using high energy bulbs, or get new fittings using raw materials and manufacturing energy?


  • greendawn

    I don't have time to calculate it but I am now not using a car if I have to go to a place that's less than a 40 minute walk away (keeps down the weight LOL) unless it's raining or have to bring back heavy shopping (over 7-8 Kg) . As for heating the house I did well by putting in good insulation, of course it also cuts down the bill. I also use grade A or AA (low energy consumption) washing machine and refrigerator and rechargable batteries. In the future I may buy a hybrid car that also uses battery energy not just fuel.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Go on, Greendawn, find the time - I am sure you would find it interesting!


  • Fe2O3Girl

    What an interesting subject. Surely the only reason I have only had one reply is because no-one noticed this thread?

  • dobbie

    did you see the programme on telly last night on bbc1, it was a family who had to reduce theirs over the course of a year.Had to get rid of the car, etc it was v interesting.I haven't worked mine out cos it was too much maths and i can't find my calculator!however my tumble drier hasn't worked for months, my thermostat is turned down to what they recommend, we don't fly anymore(can't afford it).Hubby has free train travel to work most days so his car isn't used much and i don't drive mine further than Chard (20 mins from my town) so don't use it a lot.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Yes, interesting subject.

    Problem: having to convert metric to english, and add it all up.

    So, I searched for a similar calculator for us "colonists":.

    My results:




    BA- Lives a very green lifestyle.

  • sammielee24

    My footprint is a 10 - but I keep all things in perspective - so I recognize that numbers really don't mean much. What I don't get though, is people like Mr Gore, who although living in a green house, still lives in a house that has 20 rooms. Taking up more space than we need is one way of consuming more of everything than is needed - regardless of how green you make it.sammieswife.

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