KN Campaign - results

by dozy 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy

    The UK Feb KM unusually contains the results of the Kingdom News 37 & Convention invitation campaigns (they don't normally make the information public).

    Convention invitation - 515 slips returned , "over 60%" requesting bible studies.

    KN37 (to end of Nov , so somewhat incomplete) - 311 slips returned , 185 studies requested.

    The report is spun so that "You will be delighted to learn the results" and "Jehovah has clearly blessed your hard work".

    I can't help feeling that these results are very poor , though doubtless a devout JW would say that if only one study resulted , then that would be a fine result. A typical direct mail campaign would hope to elicit a 1% return at worst - presumably a leaflet drop where the leaflet was personally delivered to the householder would be higher. Assuming 10 million tracts were issued , this represents a 0.005% response rate. Put another way , if we assume that each tract cost 5p to produce & distribute (most of the expense falling on the publisher) , to generate each response cost £5000. No commercial company could afford this kind of feedback rate -the campiagn would be stopped immediately and the marketing staff would be sacked.

    In my experience , even the quoted response rate should be taken with a pinch of salt. I travelled 30 miles once to "follow up" a slip that had been posted to the WTS , only to find that it was done for a laugh by someone who had put his work colleagues name & address on a slip.

    Is it worth it? Clearly the WTS thinks so , having started a Memorial tract campaign. Perhaps also , they tacitly acknowledge that the prime purpose of the preaching work is to "keep the brothers together". In the same KM , there is a push to get 12,500 auxiliary pioneers in the spring , and the usual 90 year old sister is quoted as an example. I paraphrase - "I wanted to work in my garden , but I was encouraged to pioneer" , she declares. The result? "I felt so closer to my brothers or sisters". Not "I started loads of studies."

  • tijkmo
    I felt so closer to my brothers or sisters".

    i pioneered one year after i had been reinstated...




    long path houses



    half way thru month got to thinking that if anyone was interested why would i want them to join an organization that had treated me so despicably

    stuck it out for the month (let your yes mean yes etc)

    never felt further away from my 'brothers and sisters'

    stopped going shortly after

    still at least i will get my reward in heaven..!!

  • slimboyfat

    Hi dozy,

    Assuming 10 million tracts were issued , this represents a 0.005% response rate.

    I think this may be the weakest link in your calculation - i.e. not all tracts delivered to the congregations made it to a household.

    I for one have 50 of the things still untouched on my bookcase.

    I think it would be highly optimistic to assume even half of the leaflets issued to congregations in the UK made it into the "field". Even at that, I have to agree whatever way you look at it the response rate is pretty poor.

    I found the part on homosexuals especially objectionable. I would have no part in spreading that kind of hateful nonsense.


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