To mymailmum

by individuals wife 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife


    Yet again I am reading your stock answers to new posters... with all respect - cant you come up with anything new? Obviously you are working on repetition for emphasis this week in your ministry school - only it wont work here I'm afraid! People here have been through too much, seen too much, endured too much. They have tired of making excuses for the organisation which is what you try to do - you accuse people of being weak - it takes a lot of strength and courage to walk away from the organisation and put up with the vile practice of shunning. It takes a lot of guts to stand up for your principles and beliefs. It is no good saying that a few imperfect men in the congregation should not push you out of the 'truth', it is not a case of a few imperfect men - the whole organisation is rotten to the core - just take the example of the UN business coming to light at the moment - have you bothered to read all the information posted about it on the main board? You should. It is very interesting..... is your faith strong enough to examine it? Or will you run away from the facts?

    I am normally a meek and mild mannered person who does not usually make outspoken posts like this - but in this instance I just find your practice of nipping in, making undesirable comments, then running away again extremely annoying. Hang around and debate a little with us and then you may have a little more credibility. At least then you will be able to put a little more time on your ministry time sheet!


  • Introspection


    I feel so sad for have given so much of your life to Jehovah and then you lose your mind under test.

    Jehovah does not forget what you did for his name. But boy, you failed a test that everyone posting online have to go thru. WE DO NOT LISTEN SPAMMING PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO CAN'T EVEN ADDRESS SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS!

  • Introspection


    I feel so sad for have given so much of your life to Jehovah and then you lose your mind under test.

    Jehovah does not forget what you did for his name. But boy, you failed a test that everyone posting online have to go thru. YOU DO NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE, EVEN PEOPLE DIRECTLY ADDRESSING YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL!

  • think41self

    You tell 'em IW



  • sweetone2377

    I myself am new here and have not run into mymailmum too much. But I have come across a few posts. To say that a person should "wait on Jehovah" to fix the problem is wrong IMO. What about those who are sexually abused by elders and MS, etc and told not to go to the authorities because Jah will take care of it in His own time? What about those who are abused by ones in "power" in the organization? Do we wait untill we are next to dead before we do anything about it? Do those of us who are forced on the sidelines, wait untill ppl start dying from such treatment? How many do we have to watch suffer before we stop waiting for Jehovah to solve the problem?

  • airwlk149

    at first when i read what mymailmum had written to me in my post, it made me upset. icried because he made me feel bad. but then those felings of guilt turnd into anger. MYMAILMUM: whoever you are, you are the one that has a sad life. you are still under these terrible people who decieve you into believing that they are there beccause of jehovah. i hope that after you read, REALLY read, some of the posts you will see what i see: a facade.


  • Double Dee
    Double Dee

    It would appear to me that MYMAILMUM has lived a sheltered life in "the truth". She reminds me of my mum......just like PollyAnna (remember the disney movie?). Always cheerful and full of hope, my mom would say things like- just wait on Jehovah and he will take care of it. Just go to the "brothers" and they will help you. Trust in Jehovah. Jehovah will bring justice. Wait on Jehovah. It's easier to repeat what is drilled in your head than to really think for oneself. (Love your screen name thinks41self ) I remember saying those things---so many times over and over that after awhile, it felt like words, not from the heart. And you know what, I almost lost my life believing them.

    Stop being an ostrich and take your head out of the sand. Take a minute (or longer if you can) and really listen to the pain and suffering that you see here. Maybe you have not encountered any for yourself yet, but trials and tribulations do come eventually.

    Try to see us here as REAL PEOPLE. We have feelings and pain and now for many, real happiness. We are not here for you to count your time on. I was a pioneer for 12 years, so I do know how it is.

    MYMAILMUM, I have no desire to abuse you for your beliefs. Everyone has a a right to choose. But please, take your judgemental outbursts somewhere else.

    In the first week that I was first married--to a pioneer turned Bethelite-I discovered that I had married an abusive person. After 10 years of waiting on Jehovah, talking to the brothers, and basically being "the humble submissive wife", I was a broken, beaten, emotionally brow-beaten person after having received no help. Funny thing is....blessings abounded after I got out of that situation. And yes, my situation was dire....the ex threatened to decapitate my parents, etc etc etc, beat and raped me, etc etc. All this while being an elder, bethelite and/or pioneer. So, while I am happy for you if you have not experienced anything like the things we have, please respect our pain.

    So, until you are able to develop the empathy that our Heavenly Father created us with, please spare us the brow-beatings. I wish you the best....


  • BobsGirl

    I am proud of how eficciently she can copy and paste though .....


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

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