I'm crying now---pray for this family....please

by LDH 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    I just received a phone call from the mom of one of my daughter's friend's.

    7th grade little girl, just delightful.

    We saw her dad Tuesday night at 'Back to School Night.'

    He killed himself yesterday.


    Edited to add, I just talked to the girl's mom again and she told me they went to the doctor together yesterday, I guess he's been having some chronic health problems for the last ten years.

    The doctor pooh-poohed his concerns. And he just decided he'd had enough.

  • Cassiline

    I am sorry to hear of your loss Lisa and that poor family.I will keep you all in my prayers. This type of loss is most difficult because there are so many un-answered questions. I feel for you and your friends.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • JT

    Was He a Brother??



    didn't you use to hate when a jw or in fact some of us -including myself-- that would be the vey first thing we would ask-

    as if the hurt and pain for the loved ones would be any different

    I'm truly sorry to hear that- do all you can to support the family and let her know that an INVISIBLE famly on the net cares about them as well


  • LDH


    No, he was 'just' a worldly man. Isn't that sad that to some JWs his life wouldn't be worth much, and now he has a chance of getting resurrected?

    I have just called to her find out if he left a 'mess' (aka from a gunshot wound) I simply volunteered to 'clean up anything that needed cleaning.'

    This has hit me like a ton of bricks. Pregnant women are overly hormonal, you know, anyway.


    If anyone that is reading this is thinking of ending it all, please don't. Please tell someone, anyone, that you need help immediately.

  • logical


    Im so sorry.

  • jonjonsimons

    I'm so sorry for the loss. I don't pray, but I'm sending thoughts of love to you and the family.


  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Oh, I feel terrible for you and the family. A very close cousin killed himself when we were both 21 and it was the most painful (besides my brother's death) thing to have to deal with. If only I could have seen it coming and done something. That was what we all were thinking every day since.

    That poor little girl of his. The suffering she's going through is so hard to think about. How thoughtful and selfless of you to volunteer to clean any mess up from it. Especially when you're pregnant like that. I wouldn't even have thought of it, you're a real friend, they're lucky to have you available like that.


    "When caught between two evils I generally pick the one I've never tried before." Mae West

  • LDH

    Thank you, PA. That means a lot.

    I just spoke with my way too smart kid, who told me, "Mom, that's a terrible age to lose a parent. You're too young to deal with it and old enough to know what happened."

    Jon, those thoughts of love are just what this family is needing.


  • Tatiana

    Lisa, I am so sorry! Tears are dripping as I write. Yesterday, one of Cassiline's friends did the same thing. What is going on????

    Please send my love to the family. And love to you.....


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

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