A Thank U to Kent, McHislop and so many others!

by OhHappyDay 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • OhHappyDay

    Dear friends,
    I'm new at this place. But for the last few month's I've been a regular visitor and reader. Today I am no more a JW in my heart. In less than 3 months a lifetimes faith, and some years ago even my most precious career, suddenly proved to be a big nothing. As many of yoy know personally, it was and it is hard to digest. So today I want to acknowlege You all for the hard work many of you are doing in collecting all this precious little peaces of (real) truth and to publish them in Your sites, or discuss them here on this board. A part of me still do not believe that I am writing this words. However, thank u all very much for your great help you are giving to those who are opressed, even if most of them do not know today how thankfull they should be to the so-called "apostates". From now on it'll be my goal to reach my friends and relatives hearts with the truth about "the truth". To do that I have to remain recognized as one of JW. Hard game that will be! I'm not well-prepared for such a master-fake...! What could be really usefull for my purpose is: rumors and facts about JW and money. Scandals about child molestation, GB members and so on. If some of You know where to find electronically stored old WTS-Publications (specially after Russel's time; in english or german) I would apreciate your answers. I'll finnish this post with a huge STANDING OVATION to all of You!!!

  • Englishman


    Ich wünsche Sie gut, gebe mich viel der Zeit und des Platzes.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • hawkaw

    Welcome to the board. I am a not a JW or exJW but I would like to congratulate you on your thinking skills.

    Old works eh! Others will post but please try clicking on this puppy.

    ( http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5606/Catalog.htm


  • Esmeralda

    Well this post put a smile on my face! Great way to start the day :)

    Thanks, HappyDay for posting and reminding all who post here that their input does make a difference in the lives of others!

    Take care and keep talking...that is what will help you get the perspective you need to finish putting it behind you.


  • hawkaw

    I really hope people like Mr. Penton, Ray Franz, Maximus, Barbara and others like them read this thread.

    You see - even though there is a lot of unprofessional crap that comes up in this board that one has to put up with, your goal of getting people to take the glasses off and become "free" happens right before your eyes. Oh what a feeling it is helping somebody to become free. And that is what it is all about folks.


  • Kent
    Hi OhHappyDay

    Yeah, I know how you feel. After investing so much of ones life, and then suddenly discover it's all based upon a bluff. One sits there, left with a big hole where the stomac used to be.

    But, believe me, that hole will soon be filled with something else, and this new fundation for whatever you chose to do - together with the freedom of being able to spend your time as you please, do what you want, talk to whom you want, even to do something as simple as watching what you want on a cinema or go to a concert you would like to go to - that will more than refuel the lost "strength".

    If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask me. Feel free to send me private mails if you like...

    Keep on strugling, my friend. The prize is worth it!

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • SixofNine

    I like your name, and your attitude! It is great when I hear of people leaving, and instead of depression and a lost feeling, they are light and happy. As well we should be; good news is good news. There is no negative to learning the truth about the truth.

    That was me one short year ago. Happy days indeed!

  • waiting

    Hi, Oh happy one!

    Happy Days indeed. It's too bad that you'll have to continue the farce for a while - but please be gentle with your family. We were all back there a little/long time ago - blinders snuggly pressing our brains to non-questioning.

    The drain of the meetings on my time and effort - and the freedom of not having a "bad conscience" because I missed one because of a small sore throat - cannot be underestimated. I think that's why our families want us so bad to "get back to the meetings." They don't care what we really think - just go to meetings. On some level, I think they know too - without the meetings, most won't stay in the org.

    Glad to have you here - and enjoy your freedom!


  • MacHislopp

    Hello OhHappyDay,

    thnaks for your appreciative comments!

    To be fair it should be shared among the ...3000 visitors/

    posters of this Forum, and personally I'm just one of them.

    I'm pleased to read that you fell well and I hope that

    you'll continue to stay with this Forum.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • ozziepost

    G'day OhHappyDay and Welcome 'aboard'!

    As you can 'see' from the comments on this thread, in this place you will find many seasoned and helpful fellow travellers on the road to freedom.

    Enjoy the ride brother! We look forward to 'hearing' more from you.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

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