The breath of life

by Ade 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ade

    The blood carries oxygen without oxygen we die, so which of these is really the life giver??

    Gen 2:7"and the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE; and man became a living soul"

    apparently its the breath of life specifically being mentioned here - not the blood of life.

    So i want you all to dwell on this before the FDS enforce it, dont breath someone elses breath or you will polluted and must be shunned !!!

    it was also a gift from God to stop you consuming anyones smoke ( passive smoking )

    If you are jw STOP BREATHING NOW, hey i forgot, if you do this you will all die then the end must come right, because then all you righteous people are dead.and the rest of us can be judged

    its all becoming so clear, i'll be back soon, i'm off to play chess with Rutherford and Russell on mars.


  • VM44

    "...and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE"

    There is nothing really profound about that statement in the Bible, it is merely an ancient poetic expression of the observation that living beings (animals and humans) breath, while nonliving things do not.


  • katiekitten
    i'm off to play chess with Rutherford and Russell on mars

    Aint that the truth!

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hey Ade, Do you think the 'breath of life' could be the 'spirit'.? The part of us that can connect to God? As he is a spirit too?

  • Ade

    err guys dont take this too seriously lol,
    i just couldnt get the top off my low carb beer >:)


  • Borgia

    Are you hinting on a refusal to accept CPR?



  • M.J.

    Get this. The WTS will allow you to accept hemoglobin, which is the very "fraction" of blood that carries the breath.

  • LittleToe

    In all seriousness, we're discussing something similar on another thread:

    Gotta love the way Mondo wriggles

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