Just thought I'd share this with you.

by Jerohobobonadad 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jerohobobonadad

    I was just browsing the excellent JWfacts.com site and it just clicked....JW is bloody cult! It can't be anything else!

    As some may know I've only been around on here a month or so. Although I haven't believed for some time, I always thought that calling JWs a cult was a bit harsh. Reading the excellent research on the jwfacts site just now, I suddenly smiled and it dawned on me - JW is definately a cult!

    I've spent the first third of my life in a cult! I'm laughing - I think it's hilarious!

    Here's to the next two thirds of living. Cheers!

  • juni

    Jero, hi!

    That's cute! I remember when we came out my daughter had done research before I came on this site. I lurked for a long time and was afraid to join in.

    She said, " Mom. JWs are a cult by all that I've read." I was still in denial I guess. Cult = Satan stuff. Drinking poisoned Kool-Aid. Going off to outer space. You know the stereotypes.

    But you know what? As I've learned the FACTS about the WTB$TS I'm convinced that this is a cult. They follow men. Control in every aspect of your life. You'll be nothing and die if you leave. Etc. Etc. Encouraging people to stay away from anyone who disagrees w/the WT thinking.

    Peace to you Jero. Enjoy being out and living life to its fullest. Enjoy the company of those "terrible, godless worldly people"!


    Jero you said how you feel which I respect:

    I've spent the first third of my life in a cult! I'm laughing - I think it's hilarious

    When I realized how much time I wasted - 21 years and putting my kids through hell - I cried and cried. The guilt led me to the point of suicide. And then I got help. I've had many talks w/my kids who told me, "Mom. We know you did what you thought was best." That made me feel a little better and I love them to pieces for being so forgiving. But to this day, I still have a hard time forgiving myself and wasting so much precious time when they were growing up w/o enjoying holidays and putting up w/crap from other kids and teachers, and not having worldly friends.

    That is why I spend a lot of my time with them and their families (my grandkids). I feel "alive" once again and now enjoying life, peaceful times and self-worth. All of that was taken away before from this religion. It's something that I have to continually remind myself that we will be o.k. We will survive.

  • Jerohobobonadad

    When I realized how much time I wasted - 21 years and putting my kids through hell - I cried and cried. The guilt led me to the point of suicide. And then I got help. I've had many talks w/my kids who told me, "Mom. We know you did what you thought was best." That made me feel a little better and I love them to pieces for being so forgiving. But to this day, I still have a hard time forgiving myself and wasting so much precious time when they were growing up w/o enjoying holidays and putting up w/crap from other kids and teachers, and not having worldly friends.

    That is why I spend a lot of my time with them and their families (my grandkids). I feel "alive" once again and now enjoying life, peaceful times and self-worth. All of that was taken away before from this religion. It's something that I have to continually remind myself that we will be o.k. We will survive.

    I accept that I've been very, very lucky (single, no kids, still young, always did pretty much what I wanted anyway) and many, many, many others have not been so lucky and did not laugh or find it funny when they realised that they had been duped. I do not mean to downplay anyone elses experiences related to this. I am pleased for you about your children. In a similar way, I do not feel any differently about my parents - i was not allowed to do a lot of the things "normal" kids did (sports, going to kids houses etc), but I know my mum and dad had my bests interests at heart. Better that than to not take any interest at all. I just hope they will be reasonable when I finally "come out" as an unbeliever. Dad will probably be ok. Mum will be heartbroken. I wonder how my friends will react? My grandparents? I wonder if I'll find it funny in the months ahead?

    It is a strange feeling to discover that everything you had been brought up to believe as infallable "truth" is, in fact all wrong.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Jero,

    It is a big shock to realise that. I know when I stopped believing, and da'd, I wasn't quite ready to admit to having been in a cult, but it didn't take me long to realise I had, indeed, been a cult member. It's good to realise it, it makes sure that you won't go back, and in my case a lot more careful of what I get involved in in the future.

  • fokyc

    Just in case you are still not sure! Check it out here:



  • delilah

    Welcome to the rest of your life...cheers!! Have fun, and enjoy. I always thought it was a bit harsh too, calling the JW's a cult. But they are.

  • gymbob

    When I first left, I called them "cult-like"....now I know better! Juni, it's interesting that you mention drinking kool-aid. I saw a National Geographic documentary last night about Jim Jones and his ideas, along with how Jonestown came about and then the murder/suicide of everyone there....very similar mind-control stuff as the dubs! A little freaky to think we were all in something so close to them! GYMBOB

  • heathen

    All religion are cults . The j-dubs are just more demanding than others with all the publication selling that goes on . I still don't care for the holidays such as christmas or easter , I'm more of a new years eve thanksgiving kinda guy . I don't make a big deal out of either but enjoy the prospect of a new year and love turkey dinner with football .

  • Honesty

    Hey, Hey, Hey!!!!!

    You're right, they are a cult and it only took me 16 years to figure it out.

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