Is worship of God...

by kerj2leev 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kerj2leev


    I mean if you weren't taught it would you be doing it, or even wondering about it?

  • Dansk

    Difficult question. If we think of ancient people they may have worshipped the sun or nature. I think if we knew nothing of religion someone, somewhere would invent one - and then others would follow along.


  • Satanus

    Shamanism seems to be the first religion, if it can be called that. It sprang up spontaneously in tribal settings the whole world over. Basically, it wasn't so much a worship of god(s), as a going to the tribal shaman for mostly practical solutions to problems like health or hunting. It was the shaman who would go into an altered mind state to affect changes, or get knowledge. Of course, there was a lot of superstition involved. Also, there were various levels of qualities of shamans.


  • greendawn

    If the God is a real creator then why not? Actually human beings inwardly need to believe in a superior power. It makes their psychology more normal.

  • free2beme

    I think at some point in your life, you wonder about the meaning of life and why you are here and how things came to be. I think this is the key to opening the door that in some cases, leads to a worship of a god of some sorts. Although, I think in time, religion will be something mentioned in the history books and no longer practiced. An evolution of the mind.

  • OpenFireGlass

    Difficult question. If we think of ancient people they may have worshipped the sun or nature. I think if we knew nothing of religion someone, somewhere would invent one - and then others would follow along.


    Shamanism seems to be the first religion, if it can be called that. It sprang up spontaneously in tribal settings the whole world over. Basically, it wasn't so much a worship of god(s), as a going to the tribal shaman for mostly practical solutions to problems like health or hunting. It was the shaman who would go into an altered mind state to affect changes, or get knowledge. Of course, there was a lot of superstition involved. Also, there were various levels of qualities of shamans.


    I'm in agreement with both of these statements...

    I mean, the closest I ever felt to (believe in) "god" was when I was under the influence of psychedelic compounds... But I look back and see that it was just a chemical reaction within my neural system, that went away when the compound had run it's course... or something like that... LOL

  • kerj2leev


    I think that is where I'm at right now. I have an acknowledgement of a higher power but, not in any religious sense. I think religion is for people who want others to make decisions for them.


    Maybe you are unlocking your mind in that altered state, to see what reality has taken away! Or maybe it was just a good trip!

  • kid-A

    What is natural is the tendency for the human brain to try to make sense of the sensory information constantly entering our cerebral cortex.

    Cognitive modules need to structure information in the most logical format, this is particularly true of information that is higly emotionally charged.

    Imagine our primordial ancestors faced with the terror of nature, but lacking basic scientific methods or information to place this input in its proper context.

    Whats the most logical explanation to the brain of primordial h. sapiens? Supernatural "beings" causing these natural events. From the perspective of evolutionary

    cognitive neuroscience, it makes perfect sense that such ideas would have occurred in primitive man, and, with the advent of organized culture, that such ideas

    would become intrinsic to the cultural ethos within that particular environment. Furthermore, religious rituals would soon evolve as mans attempt to control the natural

    world by appeasing the gods. Even though these attempts have failed for the last several hundred thousand years, these primordial instincts still exist within the minds

    of many modern humans.

  • kerj2leev

    So when did this develope, since I'm not sure animals have this need!

  • headmath

    Humans are just basic animals. If god makes you a lasanga dinner when you are really hungry then you might worship him. As it is god does not care a crap about humans so why worship god? There were many lasanga dinner spoiled in the boxing day tsunami

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