And now, a word from Babylon the Great

by GentlyFeral 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • GentlyFeral

    This is the text of a brief service hastily organized by the chaplaincy department at Alta Bates Medical Center (where I work) on the National Day of Prayer, 9/14/01.


    Source of Life,

    We join in prayer to celebrate this nation.
    We give thanks in our hearts for this country.
    We give thanks for and bless the souls of those who have nurtured this land.
    We ask that Your spirit now fill our hearts with righteousness.
    May we play our parts in the healing and the furtherance of our country.
    May we be cleansed of all destructive thoughts.
    May judgment of others, bigotry, racism, and intolerance be washed clean from our hearts.
    May our minds be filled with thoughts of unconditional love and acceptance of all people.
    May the greatness and the beauty of this land burst forth once more in the hearts of its people.
    May we live in honesty and integrity and excellence with our neighbors.
    May this country become a light unto the nations of hope and goodness and peace and freedom.
    May violence and darkness be cast out of our midst.
    May hatred no longer find fertile ground in which to grow here.
    May all of us feel the spirit of grace upon us.
    Re-ignite the spirit of truth in our hearts.
    May our nation be bound together in healing from shore to shore.

    May we be repaired.
    May we be forgiven.
    May our children be blessed.
    May we be renewed.



    Source of Life,

    We pray for this our world.
    We ask that the walls that separate us be dissolved.
    Use us to create a new world on earth.
    Now, in this moment we ask for new light.
    Illumine our minds.
    Use us as never before, as part of a great and mighty plan for the healing of this world.
    Remove from our hearts the illusion that we are separate.
    May every nation and every people and every color and every religion find at last the one heartbeat we share.
    May we not hold on to yesterday.
    May we not obscure the vision of tomorrow.
    Flow through us, work through us, that in our lives, we might see the illuminated world.
    May we help to sustain this world on earth, dear God, for ourselves and for others.
    So may it be.
    So may it be.
    We thank you, Lord.


    We rise now to proclaim our faith in the One who calls us to choose life out of, and despite, our anguish and our pain.
    Look around us, search above us, below, behind. We stand in a great web of being joined together. Let us praise, let us love the life we are lent passing through our own bodies, let's say amen.
    Time flows through us like water.
    The past and the dead speak through us.
    We breathe out our children's children, blessing.
    Blessed is the earth from which we grow,
    blessed the life we are lent,
    blessed the ones who teach us,
    blessed the ones who teach,
    blessed is the word that cannot say the glory
    that shines through us and remains to shine
    flowing past distant suns on the way to forever.
    Let's say amen.
    Blessed is the light, blessed is the darkness,
    but blessed above alleles is peace
    which bears the fruits of knowledge
    on strong branches, let's say amen.
    Peace that bears joy into the world,
    peace that enables love, peace everywhere
    blessed and holy is peace, let's say amen.

    (this section adapted from Marge Piercy)

  • sf

    "Use us to create a new world on earth."

    "Illumine our minds."

    "Remove from our hearts the illusion that we are separate"

    "May we not obscure the vision of tomorrow"

    "see the illuminated world."

    "sKally, WWW Klass"

  • buffalosrfree

    I thought you said babylon the great, that would be the society right, I mean they have put themselves higher than the original tower of babylon.????? I thought the true word from Babylon The Great was more door-to-door, lets take advantage of the tradegy to move magazines etc etc. blah blah blah. In fact when the time came they shut their doors didn't they, hiding as usual. BS artists now that is the society. Buff

  • logical

    Interesting information regarding Babylon the Great.

    Read Revelation 18:24: "Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth"

    There is cross-references in that verse refers to Matthew 23:37

    Matthew 23:33-37 is very interesting... read it. Then think. Which people today are comparable to the pharisees?

    Also, in verse 35 there is a cross reference that links straight back to Revelation 18:24.

    Its quite obvious who Babylon the Great refers to. It is the ones who profess to be annointed, but they dont prove true to their claims. It is NOT the "world empire of false religion" as they claim, the false religions comprise the first beast, in Revelation 13.

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