Elders or Marriage Counselors?!?!?!?!

by thepackage 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • thepackage

    It’s interesting how the WTS tries to give marital advice via unqualified elders. Recently a friend of mine and his spouse have been having martial trouble. He no longer believes the WTS lies and maintains a low profile. His wife insists that without “the truth” their marriage is going to fail.

  • SirNose586

    An elder referred my folks to a dub marriage counselor. So if this couple needs advice, at least they should go to someone who is trained in that field.

  • Sailor Ripley
    Sailor Ripley

    Those clowns told my mom to stay with my, though yet-to-be violent stage, bi-polar Y-Donor. My mom finally got wise, went to an trained, non-JW counselor who advised my mom to immediately put him on skates and send him to the rink. She did the next day. The very next day he flipped out completely and had to be committed with straight jacket and the whole bit. The "Elders" held their ground that she should have stayed with him and to give him support.

    I hope your friends find the help they need; unfortunately it looks like they have a tough row to hoe.

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