Are You Thinking Of Leaving the Borg?

by Cassiline 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline

    For those of you who are thinking of leaving the Borg.

    Here's the thing: we are trained in that organization to doubt ourselves. We are trained not to question. We are trained NOT to doubt the organization.

    But God tells us to doubt everything people tell us until we have convinced ourselves. And He didn't say that we were to only use certain publications to research. He said "Make sure of ALL things."

    It took me a while to realize this point: Just becasue a religion SAYS they have the truth doesn't mean they do!

    Do you want to know what really did it for me? I went to some other churches...and you know what? They ALL sounded like JWs! They all claimed to be the ones who have the true knowledge about God. They all claimed to have the true meaning of scriptures. And they could read scriptures and apply their meanings to them and it sounded completely reasonable!!!!!!! That's exactly what JWs do, then use fear tactics to keep you in...

    Nowhere in the Bible does God say "Don't worry, I'll make it easy on you. These few special men will interpret my wishes, my laws, my rules for you. All you have to do is obey. So don't question. Just do it."


    He tell's us that we are, PERSONALLY, to search for truth as for hidden treasure. We are to PERSONALLY make sure of all things.

    We used to tell people in field service, do the research yourself. Examine your bible. But when WE as JW's were told DONT look into other literature. DONT ask questions, for those that did they found themselves in hot water. Disfellowshiped, repoved. Is that a God of love?

    Are you feeling the "Peace of God the excels all thought?" Because if not, it is your duty to go out and find it!

    It will take time for you to get past the fears and teaching, I know that first hand. How I know that. I still think sometimes I am not doing the right things. I feel gulity at times but that will be expected because of the years of mind control. Mind control you might say is too strong of a word. But it is! Do something wrong and be threatened with loss of family and friends. Doing nothing could also get you in trouble. And God help you if you are raped as a woman! DID you fight your attacker enough? Scream loud enough? If the JC feels the woman did not, she may be shunned, disfellowshiped. There are so many other injustices. And I feel this is not GOD's org.

    But remember. It's their choice. And they are the ones who are doing the wrong thing. The congregation will judge you, and that's God's job. It will hurt, but you will find a new and fulfilling life. And you will be happier for it. Remember, it hurts to remove a splinter from your foot, but aren't you happier when it's gone? And especially after the wound heals completely.

    These are just my opinions. Research and find a way of life that makes you feel comfortable.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • alliwannadoislive

    thank you for your thoughts on this cassiline - i have been growing more and more confident about my chosen path away from the watchtower

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Cassiline,

    thanks for the post. Excellent and

    very true. I'm preparing one on " test for truthfulness "

    and I'll post it.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • betweenworlds

    Hi Cass,

    Thanks for the post. I agree! How many times did our mothers tell us growing up..."How do you know if you don't like *insert food name here* If you've never tried it?" It just makes sense.


    Can't wait to read your test!


    "The important thing is to not stop questioning" Albert Einstein

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