Enough Rhetoric, Time to Act

by mikepence 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • mikepence

    Let's use this thread to see who really is putting their money where their mouth is.

    List here what actions you have taken, or are planning to take, to help those in need in New York and Washington D.C. This could be in the form of money, blood, volunteering, etc. This is not about tooting one's own horn, it is about showing that the ex-JW community cares. Also indicate in your message if you are ex-JW or current JW.

    I will start:

    Mike Pence (ex-JW) and his family have given $20 to the Red Cross. We plan to give more in the coming days.

  • NameWithheld

    Gave blood, gave $100 to Red Cross.

    Would do more if I could. Wish I was in NY digging through rubble.

  • msil

    killed 7 terrorists

    is this a bragging session?

  • NikL

    In the spirit of the scripture about "not leting the right jhand know what the left is doing" I am not going to share that information with you or anyone.
    This is what makes me absolutely sick. Everyone being so pius and so holy now that we have had some whack jobs kill a bunch of people.
    There are advertisers saying come tto our place of byusiness and we will donate. There are airlines, Amtrack and others that seem to feel it is insensitive to continue anvertising travel. I got flack from a listener for playing a song on the radio called "Learning to fly" by Pink floyd. Sheesh
    I am going back to living my life as normal as possible and I would urge everyone here to do the same. To do anything else is to let the a holes that caused the death and destruction win.
    I wish you all well.

  • NameWithheld

    msil: You wish

  • somebody

    I thought this was going to be a " let's hurry up and bomb Afganistan! Let's kill thousands like the terrorists did to America!" thread.

    I'm glad it's not. But I must say that we all will give what we can to help out. I think we are all feeling. JW's do have feelings. If they are only allowed to express them secretly ( for fear of losing family, then they'll find a way to help on their own.)

    I really think that whether one helps with money, blood, food, or prayers,or whatever. we all help in whatever way we can. we don't have to announce waht we gave or did to help.

  • mikepence

    Again, my intent was to be enouraging, to act as a group to see how much we can throw in to help out.

  • mike047

    Mike; Nice thought on you thread choice, BUT this a tough crowd
    to play to. I would like to help out on the rubble search but am unable to do so.

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