Horror: When Theocrats Dominate

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron



    Hope the link works. The Iranian executed a 16 year old girl by public hanging for violating "chastity" laws.

    And you wonder why the Israelis fight these sort of people? Hamas has done similar executions in Palestine.

    But more than that, what would the world be like if it was full of only Jehovah's Witnesses?

    You have your answer.


  • Stealth453

    I am NOT pro muslim, however, the only reason Israel gets away with the crap they do, is because the US and their allies support their "agent" in the middle east.

    Terrorism is terrorism. It matters not who is driving.

  • grey matters
    grey matters


    exactly. That's what I say about the WTBTS. They are the Taliban without the weapons.

  • metatron

    When have the Israelis ever executed a young woman for "unchastity"? Hamas does - more quietly than Iran.

    The Watchtower would too, if they could, and have said as much.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi gray matters, and welcome to the board.

    That's what I say about the WTBTS. They are the Taliban without the weapons.

    Well said, I couldn't agree more.

  • BluesBrother

    I watched this programme, aired last night in the UK. It was spine chilling.

    But I wondered why Iran was singled out?, a brief visit to the Amnesty International website would show many horrible true life accounts, from many countries including some countries that are "friends" of the West . This girls youth made it worse, but not unique.

  • kid-A

    "The Watchtower would too, if they could, and have said as much."

    Oh give it a bloody rest metatron. Give me a direct quote where the Watchtower has said they would "publicly execute a young woman for violating her chastity?"

    Do you have the same condemnation for Saudi Arabia who publicly behead men and women for the same thing? Whoops ! I forgot, the "Saudis" are good people

    because they're friends with little dubya! Israel is no less a terrorist state than Iran. The only difference is the US supports this one.

  • grey matters
    grey matters


    Thanks, good to be here.


    I agree with metatron on this one. What is their "new system" going to be like, according to them, after the "Thousand Years"? The way I heard it when I was in, any who stray after that point will be immediately eliminated. That's their ideal world. Of course, they say they won't do the executing - God will. They also say He will kill anyone who disagrees with them any day now at Armaggedon. But they are a peaceful people, right? I've got a new term for them - Pacifist Aggresive

  • Elsewhere
    Oh give it a bloody rest metatron. Give me a direct quote where the Watchtower has said they would "publicly execute a young woman for violating her chastity?"

    *** 1952 11/15 Watchtower p.703 Questions from Readers ***
    The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship.

  • heathen

    All I can say is , who can say for sure how the Israelis deal with infidelity ? When it comes to the seedy side of american allies, do you think you are getting the unadultrated truth? It's in the mosaic law that Israel kill off infidelity so it was accepted at one time around 2k years ago . The WTBTS does teach it is immoral to have sex before marriage and would ex communicate, they are not to kill anybody physically but socially .

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