Healing Prayer

by stephenw20 0 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • stephenw20

    THis was sent to me the other day ... I was not here to get it but wanted to share it now

    Seven Days of Prayer
    > It took seven to create the world,
    > we now ask you to join us in spending
    > the next seven days recreating it.
    > Wherever you are, join us for the next seven days "FEELING" this new world
    > and praying it into existence. At 9pm EST, 6pm west coast time, from
    > September 11 to 18, simply feel the presence of millions around the world
    > are praying for all violence to cease. Spend ten minutes in silence each
    > night knowing that we are creating a new world based upon the laws of
    > compassion and peace. Once again, please pass this on to everyone you
    > A Letter from Neale, Marianne, James, James and Doreen:
    > Dear friends around the world.
    > The events of this day cause every thinking person to stop their daily
    > whatever is going on in them, and to ponder deeply the larger questions of
    > life. We search again for not only the meaning of life, but the purpose of
    > our individual and collective experience as we have created it - and we
    > earnestly for ways in which we might recreate ourselves anew as a human
    > species, so that we will never treat each other this way again.
    > The hour has come for us to demonstrate at the highest level our most
    > extraordinary thought about Who We Really Are.
    > There are two possible responses to what has occurred today. The first
    > from love, the second from fear.
    > If we come from fear we may panic and do things-as individuals and as
    > nations-that could only cause further damage. If we come from love we will
    > find refuge and strength, even as we provide it to others.
    > This is the moment of your ministry. This is the time of teaching. What
    > teach at this time, through your every word and action right now, will
    > as indelible lessons in the hearts and minds of those whose lives you
    > both now, and for years to come.
    > We will set the course for tomorrow, today. At this hour. In this moment.
    > Let us seek not to pinpoint blame, but to pinpoint cause.
    > Unless we take this time to look at the cause of our experience, we will
    > never remove ourselves from the experiences it creates. Instead, we will
    > forever live in fear of retribution from those within the human family who
    > feel aggrieved, and, likewise, seek retribution from them.
    > To us the reasons are clear. We have not learned the most basic human
    > lessons. We have not remembered the most basic human truths. We have not
    > understood the most basic spiritual wisdom. In short, we have not been
    > listening to God, and because we have not, we watch ourselves do ungodly
    > things.
    > The message we hear from all sources of truth is clear: We are all one.
    > is a message the human race has largely ignored. Forgetting this truth is
    > the only cause of hatred and war, and the way to remember is simple: Love,
    > this and every moment.
    > If we could love even those who have attacked us, and seek to understand
    > they have done so, what then would be our response? Yet if we meet
    > negativity with negativity, rage with rage, attack with attack, what then
    > will be the outcome?
    > These are the questions that are placed before the human race today. They
    > are questions that we have failed to answer for thousands of years.
    > to answer them now could eliminate the need to answer them at all.
    > If we want the beauty of the world that we have co-created to be
    > by our children and our children's children, we will have to become
    > activists right here, right now, and cause that to happen. We must choose
    > be at cause in the matter.
    > So, talk with God today. Ask God for help, for counsel and advice, for
    > insight and for strength and for inner peace and for deep wisdom. Ask God
    > this day to show us how to show up in the world in a way that will cause
    > world itself to change. And join all those people around the world who are
    > praying right now, adding your Light to the Light that dispells all fear.
    > That is the challenge that is placed before every thinking person today.
    > Today the human soul asks the question: What can I do to preserve the
    > and the wonder of our world and to eliminate the anger and hatred-and the
    > disparity that inevitably causes it - in that part of the world which I
    > touch?
    > Please seek to answer that question today, with all the magnificence that
    > You.
    > What can you do TODAY...this very moment?
    > A central teaching in most spiritual traditions is: What you wish to
    > experience, provide for another.
    > Look to see, now, what it is you wish to experience-in your own life, and
    > the world. Then see if there is another for whom you may be the source of
    > that.
    > If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.
    > If you wish to know that you are safe, cause another to know that they are
    > safe.
    > If you wish to better understand seemingly incomprehensible things, help
    > another to better understand.
    > If you wish to heal your own sadness or anger, seek to heal the sadness or
    > anger of another.
    > Those others are waiting for you now. They are looking to you for
    > for help, for courage, for strength, for understanding, and for assurance
    > this hour. Most of all, they are looking to you for love.

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