Interesting info for the newbies and some of us old-timers

by TweetieBird 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    I ran across this website and here is the link: (you'll have to cut and paste as I have a mac and for some reason it won't do it)

    Anyway, I thought this was a well written article and helps solidify my belief's of how wrong the WTS really is. For newbies, it's a real roller coaster ride when you first learn the truth about "the truth" so hopefully this will be of help to someone.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    A 15 Minute Guide to the Truth

    There's the link for you. Take time for the images to load but it looks interesting

  • Stealth453

    Thanks for that. Sometimes even us "old-timers" need a reminder.

    Thanks again.

  • TweetieBird

    Thanks Lady Lee for fixing that. I love my mac but it doesn't always allow me to do the same things that other PC's do.

    Anyway, to elaborate on my post above. After I learned the truth about the org I had so many questions. I kept asking myself if I had been duped by Satan (as relatives would call it when others left the truth due to apostacy). For about a year I even went back to meetings and out in service, partially to make family happy and partially to see if I had been duped.

    What I learned is that once you take the blinders off, they won't go back on.

  • Severus

    Great chart on that website regarding circular reasoning.

  • willyloman
    What I learned is that once you take the blinders off, they won't go back on.

    Or, as my wife started saying when our eyes were first opened, "Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, you can't put it back."

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