Five years for me

by Jankyn 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jankyn

    Yep, it's been five years since I joined JWD. And still only a senior member. That would be because I generally only post when I have something to say.

    I was on H2O many moons ago (also as Jankyn), and I used to lurk on WitNet (which I found hilarious, particularly the way that Lisa--LDH--would mess with JW heads). I first found online support for former Witnesses in 1997--both Freeminds and H2O, by using Yahoo's search function.

    I haven't attended a meeting since 1980. I quit considering myself a Witness in 1976, but did a fade (never baptized, so fading has been a bit easier for me than for some). Still, even after all those years and a full life, there were still parts of my personality that no one else seemed to "get." I've come to understand it as the general weirdness that those of us raised in "the Truth" acquire from Day One and then spend the rest of our lives discarding.

    I come here because:

    (1) I find people who have had the same or similar experiences, and so my sense of being different and isolated is lessened,

    (2) I get support (and having come from a seriously JW background, with a mother and other relatives still in, I need it),

    (3) I get information (the heads-up on next September's WT on "When a Loved One Leaves Jehovah" will save me a lot of grief. If I know what Mom's going to read, I can be prepared to deal with the fallout and not take it personally),

    (4) I get to offer support. Sometimes real relief seems to come from comforting someone else who's feeling the confusion and pain of being rejected by JW family members.

    Thanks to all who've made my life better these last five years.


  • lilybird

    Hi Jankyn , Congratulations on your 20 or more years of freedom. My husband and I left, officially dissasociated ourselves in 1986, but I didn't really know about all the lies and deceit about the org until I found this site a few years ago.. We left because we were tired of the general BS and backstabbing and because we didn't want to raise our kids in that lifestyle.

    All your reasons for coming to this forum regularly are the same as mine. And I am amazed to find all over the world. it is the same experiences with others, so it is not just local problems. Its good to be really positive that we made the absolutely right decision in leaving the organization of the Watchtower. I appreciate also the time and research many posters put into their comments here. They are helping many people to make life altering decisions.

  • lisavegas420

    Happy Anniversary.

    I wish there was someway of knowing how many people lurk...sometimes for years but don't post alot or at all.


  • Seeker4

    Congrats Jankyn, and I remember you from the old H2O, which is where I started as well. These sites help a lot working out some of the JW issues. I know for me that writing what I was feeling and thinking really solidified my decision to leave.Just noticed that I've been on here exactly 5 months longer than you. I also just made Jedi, for which I was duly honored!

  • orangefatcat

    thanks for posting and I thank you for mentioning the September watchtowe regarding that article, When a Loved One Leaves Jehovah" It sounds quite interesting.

    I just emailed my son to have him ask his father for a copy of it when it comes out.

    It sounds like it could be interesting

    thanks again


    congrats on being here 5 years now.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Congrats! Everybody needs support with something like this, glad to see your able to find some here.

  • LDH


    Maybe it's 'only' been 287 posts, but girl, they have all mattered. Not many people can say that, for which you should be proud. I was supposed to be in your town Saturday but have now found that I have to go to San Diego next weekend and San Francisco the weekend after and frankly I'm drained.

    HOWEVER we will get together before the end of the year.


    JWD Fan Club Class

  • fullofdoubtnow


  • Axelspeed

    Welcome to the low-average-post class .


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