Americans and Terrorism

by BugEye 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • BugEye

    This terrorist attack has been a long time in coming!

    The US has for a long time prided itself on being virtually terrorist proof and it has made concerted efforts to bring various Islamic groups onside in the past 10 years.

    However, it is also obvious that because the US has the supremacy in military hardware that terrorism is the only recourse that many countries feel able to follow if they feel repressed or attacked by the US.

    US hegemony is global and is objected to by many countries and in many instances it keeps smaller nations and their people in poverty.

    Also, religion plays no small part in these events because the US is by and large seen as an immoral country from a strict religious position.

    What has happened in the US today and may even happen in my own country (We are a US ally) is in actuality not a lot compared to many hundreds of thousands who have died in less media covered events. This of course does not lessen its impact, but at the same time in Ladonnas post on love, it shows that many times from our point of view we feel that we are hard done by only to discover that many others are far worse off than us.

    My thoughts and BEW's too go out to all those injured and the families of those killed, it is indeed a very sad day in the USA.

    On an even sadder note, I noticed that although our prime minister, John Howard was over there, they failed to get him. Damn!


  • waiting

    Howdy BugEye,

    Yeah, they've had prime ministers, etc., on the news all afternoon. Filling space on the tv. Whatever.

    You're post made sense - perhaps on another day a comeback comment.


  • bigboi

    The U.S. and it's allies have always excercised great restraint in dealing with terrorists. That is why I'm incensed at this atrocity and the cowards behind it. Although we are not sure who committed this act, I think it's pretty safe to say it was committed by extremists in the Islamic community. They go around indiscriminately killing innocent ppl via car bombings and suicide bombers. While Israel and the U.S. often give advance warning before any attack on communities that support terrorist activities.

    The Palestinians were offered concessions by the last Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. These included their own sovreign state and East Jerusalem as a capital. Arafat rejected these proposals because he is a thug, not a head of state. The extremists that commit crimes like those today are thugs as well. No more no less. You cannot deal with these ppl. All they understand is violence, death and destruction. That is what they all should be given. They defile Allah's name and his ppl with their ignorance and evil.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • teejay


    Perhaps it's due to the scenes I have witnessed on TV today and reflecting on the impact it will have on the surviving family members, the city of NYC, the national economy, etc., but I thought your post was in poor taste. The attack today was not on NYC or President Bush or on America, really. It was an attack on the way we live... or way of life.

    For all of its faults, America has established a way of life that is unsurpassed in the history of humankind and unequaled by any nation... EVER. The potential to which common people can aspire, and REACH, the freedom of movement we enjoy without checkpoints every five miles, the free will we enjoy in the expression of worship, the power of our vote and with it the peaceful transition from one presidential administration to another are advantages that are priceless.

    To say, "the US has for a long time prided itself on being virtually terrorist proof" is absurd. For years leaders have been fully aware of American vulnerability to terrorist threats, since our way of life ensures the fullest measure of freedom for every individual. For years task forces have been studying ways to make our people safer without sacrificing our freedoms. An easy solution has not been forthcoming, but that is NOT due to American arrogance that we are terrorist proof. If anything, our way of life tends to give people of the world too much credit, assuming that others will not infringe on others' rights.

    Bash America all you want, just not now. Please.


    'What has happened in the US today and may even happen in my own country (We are a US ally) is in actuality not a lot compared to many hundreds of thousands who have died in less media covered events. This of course does not lessen its impact, but at the same time in Ladonnas post on love, it shows that many times from our point of view we feel that we are hard done by only to discover that many others are far worse off than us.'

    True...Who cares if a couple 100 thousand die in Africa...never makes the news. I can understand why people might be angry with the way the US has conducted itself in the mid-east too. Still doesn't justify this sick stuff though.I certainly dont feel like dancing in the streets like some Palestinians are. I sure hope they are a minority.

    leaves an empty pit in the stomach.

    dont know what to say....

  • BugEye

    Hey there TJ.

    Thanks for those bigoted and unintelligent comments. If it had not been for people like you, mankind might have grown into better beings.

    For all of its faults, America has established a way of life that is unsurpassed in the history of humankind and unequaled by any nation... EVER

    From YOUR point of view only. My post was not an America bashing one, just one to bring out the whole dimension of the event rather than a narrow one which obviously you cannot see beyond.

    At some stage in your life, you might try to see a little more than what is in front of your nose.

    Everyone else,

    As the news spreads and information comes to hand, it is apparent that this was a concerted effort that required a great deal of money and planning as well as sincere devotion to the plan (suicide agents). This being the case, it will be easy to blame certain countries quickly and unfortunately without proof.

    It is disgusting that the Palestinians were dancing in the street, but of what percentage of the Palestinian or other Arab state populations do these ones represent. The last thing that needs to be done is to have a bigoted and carte blanche approach in attitude. I am sure than many Arabic people and Palestinians were killed innocently in the slaughter.

    This is a crime against 'people' and not a country as is all crimes similar in nature. The only hope is that one day, as a race of beings, we grow up!



    I agree with a lot that you say Bug.

    If and when reprisals happen, I just hope innocent people dont have to be part of it. It has to be carefully considered like you say. It doesn't help to just go around and blame all Muslims or anything.

    I'm sure those Palestinians are a minority too. They're doing their cause no good...especially if CNN keeps airing it like it does.

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