1914, I have Taken Peace away from you people.

by Cassiline 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline

    Many of you were looking forward to the date 1914 because you were very eager for the 'return' of the Lord.

    But when your Lord 'delayed'... 1874, 1914, 1918, etc. then you LIKE the sons of Israel approached and said:

    "Make for us an 'organization' so that we may have one who can 'judge' (or decide for us) us and fight our wars (via Watchtower and Awake) JUST LIKE ALL THE NATIONS AROUND US."

    Exodus 32:1
    1 Samuel 8:19, 20
    1 Samuel 12:17

    Such a thing was 'evil' in the eyes of Jehovah, and even after he solemly WARNED you, you kept pressing further saying, 'No! but an organization and leaders should come to be over us.' So Jehovah, out of the stubbornness of your hearts gave you such. and you have appointed your own king, a 'Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses' to make all the decisions in the organization and to be a 'representative' of all the "anointed JWs" in the organization and to be an 'appointed' "Lord on earth." Such a thing proved to be EVIL in the eyes of Jehovah, for you rejected Him and his Christ as your king, and have set up the 'organization' your 'golden calf' in place of Jehovah and the "Governing Body" in place of Christ.

    But Christ had compassion and was full of tender mercies and as a 'token' of his mercy, he sent HIS 'anointed ones' to YOU to speak for him the things that you have done. Did you listen? No, in fact you not only disregarded the message, but you PERSECUTED the 'messengers.' You called them 'apostates and you LYINGLY spoke every wicked thing against them. You expelled them from your synagogues and killed them in your streets. And for this reason, Jehovah has said:

    "I have taken my peace away from you people." - Jeremiah 16:5

    Matthew 23:34
    Matthew 5:11, 12
    John 12:48

    I can not take credit for this post it was on another board. And I found it quite unique and mind blowing. I have to thank the person who wrote it for opening my eyes.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • dungbeetle

    Cassi...you never cease to amaze me.

    dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.

  • FiveShadows

    PRAISE JAH! and our master Jesus Christ!

    "I heard him talking to me; I did not listen. I heard him praying for me; I did not listen. I heard him crying for me; I still did not listen. Then I heard he died for me; and by this point all I had lived for mean't nothing." ~FiveShadows

  • outnfree

    Thanks for sharing that with us, Cassiline!

    An effective eye-opener, indeed.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • kes152

    Praise Jah!!!!

    Glory to Jah AND our most merciful Savior!!!!

    Amen... and amen!

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