don`t be fooled JW`s

by steveykys 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steveykys

    dont be fooled JW`s You say that Jesus is the way to God (yeh). But you dont believe Jesus is God you also obey the ten commandments? then if this is the case, you are breaking them God say don` have no other Gods before me fo I am a jelous God if you are putting Jesus as a way to God the dont you think God will be angry? You fools Jesus has to be God not no mighty angel. There are no cotradictions in the bible. Believe in Jesus as the Saviour and as God you are being missled by your organization.

  • MikeNightHaShev

    Actually your arguement shows you as the one breaking the commands by placing a man (really a figure of a man)before G-d thus placing another pseudo god before G-d.
    Remember Jesus (the Morning Star) is the person you call Lucifer trying to place his throne up high in place of G-d's throne
    (Isaiah 14:12-19, Rev 22:16).

    You say how can Jesus be an angel (thus the fallen angel)?
    Perhaps you create your own portraits of the term in it's context which simply means messenger/prophet exactly what Jesus is claimed to be.

    Jesus claim is as an angel:
    Rev 22:16 calling himself Bright morning star.
    Stars=angels proof:
    Revelation 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

    Morning or Day =is the sun god Baal Satan worship as even seen in Isaiah 14:12-19
    Star =angel
    Jesus declared he was the arch(bright)Angel(star) of the Morning (Satan).
    Try looking it up in the Encyclopedia:
    Morning Star=Lucifer

    Now you know why you'd all be deceived and why he's the great deceiver.

  • steveykys

    ISAIAH 14:12
    How art thou fallen from heaven—A new image is presented here. It is that of the bright morning star; and a comparison of the once magnificent monarch with that beautiful star. He is now exhibited as having fallen from his place in the east to the earth. His glory is dimmed; his brightness quenched. Nothing can be more poetic and beautiful than a comparison of a magnificent monarch with the
    bright morning star! Nothing more striking in representing his death, than the idea of that star falling to the earth!
    Lucifer—Margin, ‘Day-star’ (ììÅéä• heôyleôl, from ììÇä˜ haòlal, “to shine”).
    The word in Hebrew occurs as a noun nowhere else. In two other places Ezek. 21:12; Zech. 11:2, it is used as a verb in the imperative mood of Hiphil, and is translated ‘howl’ from the verb ììÇéˆ yaôlal, “to howl” or “cry.” Gesenius and Rosenmüller suppose that it should be so rendered here. So Noyes renders it, ‘Howl, son of the morning!’ But the common translation seems to be preferable.
    The Septuagint renders it, FÅùóöüñïò Heoôsphoros, and the Vulgate,
    ‘Lucifer, the morning star.’ The Chaldee, ‘How art thou fallen from high, who wert splendid among the sons of men.’ There can be no doubt that the object in the eve of the prophet was the bright morning star; and his design was to compare this magnificent oriental monarch with that. The comparison of a monarch with the sun, or the other heavenly bodies, is common in the Scriptures.
    Son of the morning—This is a Hebraism, and signifies that that bright star is, as it were, the production, or the offspring of morning; or that it belongs to the morning. The word ‘son’ often thus denotes
    possession, or that one thing belongs to another. The same star in one place represents the Son of God himself; Rev. 21:16: ‘I am—the bright and morning star.’
    Which didst weaken the nations—By thy oppressions and exactions,
    rendering once mighty nations feeble.
    REVELATION 22:16
    I Jesus—Here the Saviour appears expressly as the speaker—ratifying and confirming all that had been communicated by the instrumentality of the angel.
    Have sent mine angel To testify unto you—That is, to be a witness for me in communicating these things to you.
    In the churches—Directly and immediately to the seven churches in Asia Minor Rev. 2:3; remotely and ultimately to all churches to the end of time.
    I am the root—Not the root in the sense that David sprang from him, as a tree does from a root, but in the sense that he was the “root-shoot” of David, or that he himself sprang from him, as a sprout starts up from a decayed and fallen tree—as of the oak, the willow, the chestnut, etc. See this explained in the notes on Isa. 11:1. The meaning then is, not that he was the ancestor of David, or that David sprang from him, but that he was the offspring of David, according to the promise in the Scripture, that the Messiah should be descended from him. No argument, then, can be derived from this passage in proof of the pre-existence, or the divinity of Christ.
    And the offspring—The descendant; the progeny of David; “the seed of David according to the flesh.” It is not unusual to employ two words in close connection to express the same idea with some slight shade of difference.
    And the bright and morning star—See the notes on Rev. 2:28. It is not uncommon to compare a prince, a leader, a teacher, with that bright and beautiful star which at some seasons of the year precedes the rising of the sun, and leads on the day. Compare the notes on Isa. 14:12. The reference here is to that star as the harbinger of day; and the meaning of the Saviour is, that he sustains a relation to a dark world similar to this beautiful star. At one time he is indeed compared with the sun itself in giving light to the world; here he is compared with that morning star rather with reference to its beauty than its light. May it not also have been one object in this comparison to lead us, when we look on that star, to think of the Saviour? It is perhaps the most beautiful object in nature; it succeeds the darkness of the night; it brings on the day—and as it mingles with the first rays of the morning, it seems to be so joyous, cheerful, exulting, bright, that nothing can be better adapted to remind us of Him who came to lead on eternal day. Its place—the first thing that arrests the eye in the morning—might serve to remind us that the Saviour should be the first object that should draw the eye and the heart on the return of each day. In each trial—each scene of sorrow—let us think of the bright star of the morning as it rises on the darkness of the night—emblem of the Saviour rising on our sorrow and our gloom.

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Jesus is called Mighty God. Yahweh is called Almighty God.

    The Father bestowed upon Jesus the title of God--this
    not meaning that Jesus was God himself, but rather a
    position to which Jesus became entitled--over every thing in
    Heaven and Earth. The Father gave all authority into
    Jesus' hands. Jesus is heir to all things

    Jesus is divine; however, he is not God himself.
    Jesus is the preeminent representation of God.
    Jesus reflects the Glory of God and bears the very
    stamp of his Father's nature.

    All the divine fullness of God was given to Jesus
    by his Father. The Father glorified Jesus; Jesus
    did not glorify himself.

    The difficulty in understanding Son, Father, and
    Holy Spirit comes about when people do not honestly
    and objectively study the nature of each person and in
    their combination. I suggest to forget the man-made
    words: Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the
    Holy Spirit, 3 = 1, and so forth--developed and worded
    by tradition. This formula is not divine and we get
    bogged down with rambling about it. Believe me the
    reality or truth about them comes to the fore of our
    mind when it is opened by the Holy Spirit. Become
    free of this formula mentality.

    The problems Jehovah's Witness have is they also do not
    do this--though they think they do. They do not
    understand their relationship with Christ or how the
    counselor helps the individual.

    It all comes clean when we exercise our freedom in Christ
    to pray and learn in our individual relationships with Christ.

    The Bible does not say that the Counseler would come to
    explain the man-made Trinity to us. Sounds silly doesn't it.
    In Christ

    Free In Christ Jesus our Lord & Savior, as the Father would have it.

  • Introspection

    If you do not break the commandments regarding punctuation it may help the spirit deliver the message to others..

  • MikeNightHaShev

    Mighty G-d?
    Perhaps you take that from a missinterp and representation of
    Isaiah 9:6 which in context is about King Hezekiah.
    "With G-d’s Might" he prevailed against the Assyrians.

    Isaiah must be kept in context and with knowledge of history and context within the historical events it's speaking of:
    G-d promised Ahaz His help (Isaiah 7:4--9) but suggested that he nevertheless ask for a sign of the
    L-rd's protection:
    Isaiah 7:10-11
    And the L--rd spoke again to Ahaz, saying: “Ask a sign of the L-rd, your G-d....”

    Read the context:
    In Isaiah 7:14 this mere SIGN of a child being born to a YOUNG Woman (almah), was explicitely for Ahaz in HIS day 600 years prior to the Jesus Character. Nowhere would this sign do Ahaz any good 600 years after he’s dead.

    Thus the FULL context must be discussed. Reading prior verses we notice this is About Ahaz in his day and age and thus 7:14 in context with later verses shows it’s about Ahaz’s son (Hezekiah) which was born and eventually became King and having G-d with him meant supporting his Kingdom of Judah.
    King Hezekiah and his kingdom (Judah), were looming on an eventual invasion by the Assyrian army.
    Which is in the context of Isaiah 8:7-8.

    With the often abuse and mistaken use of Isaiah 9:5-6
    we see: "For to us a child has been born, (King Hezekiah)
    to us a son has been given, and the government is upon his shoulder"
    (Hezekiah inherited his father Ahaz’s throne. Hence, the verse states that "the government *is*upon his shoulder," in the present, not that it "will be" in the future.)

    "and he called his name “Wonderful in Counsel" or ‘Messenger (angel) of great counsel’ depending on the translation.
    G-d's counsel to Hezekiah was quite prophetic in nature and he as King became a great counsel (father figure).

    "Mighty G-d, the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” "

    With G-d’s Might he prevailed against the Assyrians and also prolonged his life to be a great father (great counsel) to the kingdom of Judah.
    Also Hezekiah's name imply attributes of G-d

    The last part about "prince of peace" (which never fit Jesus or his Church) is in regards to peace enjoyed by the kingdom after the defeat of the Assyrian army.

    **Note These verses in Isaiah 9:5-6 also mirrors labels given Archangel Michael as Father of the Hosts, the main messenger, and Head of the counsel which is why JW’s say 9:6 is about Michael, and rightfully so since The Hezekiah Apochryphon (4Q470) Shows Hezekiah taking counsel through conversing with the head Counsel Archangel Michael who made a covenant with Hezekiah. So these verses in context are historical events and yet it’s true they do carry deeper Messianic revelation but it is pointing to the Shiloh Michael and not the false prophet Jesus.

  • MikeNightHaShev

    Luke says Jesus read and knew Isaiah then why would he call himself the Bright Morning Star?
    Why do Christians fulfill the 1/3 poisoned and made bitter as 'wormwood' (a bitter poisonous herb) by this fallen great star (Rev 8)?? These teachings make Christians bitter at anyone not bowing to the Idol they formed from the image of a man which makes it fulfill Rev 13 about slaying those who did not bow to this image.
    About your twist away from the Bible and Encyclopedia and dictionary and knowledge of words which you place yourself above:
    You are now refering to physical light and physical darkness which is not the same as spiritual Light and spiritual darkness.
    Biblical reference to Light and darkness is spiritual sense was about truth and knowledge (light) and Lies and ignorance (darkness).
    Not knowing the difference is spiritual darkness thus easilly deceived.
    If your faith came from that which already knows all then it would know physical darkness is where your intuitive thought(spiritual light) is increased which is why the prophets called it Visions BY NIGHT.
    In physical luciferous light the spiritual light is decreased thus
    Luciferianism is the teachings of Phosphorus and Physical light in a mystical sense that has no reality or truth to it (spiritual Light is lacking in it's teaching).

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