When Did You Conduct Your First Bible Study?

by south african beef 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    I remember taking the "Truth" book into primary school when I was 11 and studying with another lad.

    I moved awasy with my mum and dad a little later and for many years I wondered whether this boy grew up to become a 'brother'.

    At assemblies I would look out for him, also I looked on the program to see if perhaps he was giving any of the talks!

    Now I really really hope he didn't become a 'Witto' because it would problably ruined his life like it nearly did mine.

    Strange isn't it how when you are in d 'troof' you are so blinkered and when you are out you realise how blinkered THEY are!

    P.S. - sorry about the empty thread under the same title - I pressed the wrong key on my PC. Think I need lessons!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    In 1983, about 4 months after getting baptised. The lady went all the way to baptism, and is still a jw. She now shuns me.

  • Honesty


    I conducted Indoctrination seminars using the Bible to support some really wild theology promoted by a dangerous God dishonoring cult.

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