A question about this discussion forum

by Kero-kero 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kero-kero

    Hello everyone

    I have a question to ask about this forum. I hope the question does not offend anyone. I do not mean to course offence.

    My question is this:

    Was the discussion forum started by a JW for JW’s?

    I only ask has I looked back on the earliest posts in this forum and the very first post dated 23 rd March 2000 read:

    Welcome to the newest Jehovah's Witness discussion forum on the Net.

    Please register so that you can post to the forum and turn this into a welcoming place for other brothers and sisters online

    I also read a lot of people introducing themselves as JW’s and being happy to feely unity with brothers and sisters.

    Which leads me to another question….

    Was it then a case of the JW’s, that started this forum, faded and left ‘The Truth’ or is it a case that the forum was gradually taken over by ex-JW’s and those that had faded or were fading?

  • spider

    the site owner wrote his story here once:


  • Lilycurly

    Oooooh, good question. I never thought of going this way back into the posts. Maybe some older members can inform us.

  • Kero-kero

    Thanks for those links Spider.

    Wow! that was very interesting. Sounds like the site owner went through some tough times.

    I guess that kind of answers my question

  • looking_glass

    I asked the same thing when I started. I was told that the site started out rather benign. Over time the site evolved and is now the JWD board we see.

    I think Blondie or Lady Lee could probably tell you more about it. I know Simon is the brains behind the JWD site. However, it is my understanding, he is living a life now instead of posting threads all day long. Good on you Simon!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thank you Kero-kero for asking that question - it was one I wondered about too - I had gone back and looked at the very first threads I could find, and at that time it looked like Simon was still a witness. But I didn't know where to look or exactly what to do a search for - So thanx Spider for the links to those threads.

    Very interesting.


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