Anyone ever been moved from one congo to another?

by MinisterAmos 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MinisterAmos

    I'm pretty sure it wasn't a personal thing, just that they needed more publishers to start the "new" congregation, but about a year ago I got tapped to move from one congo to another. I also suspect that they were planning on soliciting loans from wealthier brothers (like me) to finance the Hall construction.

    A little background; I had been active and happy for almost two years in a congo about 20-30 minutes to the East of my home and had set up work and appointments for myself and family to take advantage of the fact that I would be in that particular neighborhood on those days and nights. The usual like Doctors, schools, day-care etc. In other words I had planned everything to the East (which is normal since there are only Red-Necks and strip-bars to the West) but in a city 30 minutes from my home rather than using the services nearest my home, because of the location of the Hall.

    A CO visit later and the PO of my congo tells me that the 15 or so publishers near me will now be doing Sundays at the Hall 7 minutes away, BUT we will need to go to the Hall an hour to the WEST to go to Ministry School. In other words over an hour and 1/2 away from everything that I had spent two years setting up.

    The response from the new PO? "Tough"

    I can't go into a whole lot of detail because there are other people involved, but I've been very absent since trhat outrageous arrogance.

  • jeeprube

    Screw the Co, go where you want.

  • Emma

    Being moved was an unforseen push to my exit. I had to work outside the home (yes HAD to, my husband was ill) and had manipulated my boss into giving me all the meeting times off. Then they asked our family to move to another congregation because they need "numbers." It was the congo we shared a building with so naturally all the meeting times were opposite of what I'd just lobbied for. I absolutely refused to ask my boss to change my schedule as everyone else around me had gotten their hours based on my request and I knew how snotty that was; couldn't afford to loose the job, either. I got to see how lovely it was not to have to study for and attend all those meetings!

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Not the same thing I know but as a single brother I used to get shoved from one CBS to another all the time. Everytime we had a CO visit I knew I'd be on the move again.

  • Forscher

    One town I lived in had one congregation. When enough children were baptised to bring up the number to the point that forming two congregations could be justified, I was put in the same congregation with the Alpha-elder who hated my guts (I don't think THAT was coincidental, especially since I lived in the other Congo's territory). I simply moved out of town altogether when the oportunity came my way.

  • anewme

    I forgot about those moves completely! In the 70s when the numbers were growing (due to Harmageddon coming in 1975) our congregation swelled and the powers that be asked us all to divide our cong into three congregations. Some were pretty upset and stumbled by this. It wasnt a suggestion. They were ordered to report to a new cong. Many were longtime witnesses back in those days and never before had been asked to do such a thing. Alot of hurt feelings came from that. The old congo was never the same without "the characters".

    And in the 80s and 90s the people assigned to our bookstudy were always changing. We were the hosts so we did not change. I overheard rumors that some were complaining about being in our bookstudy because we didnt have any "hot bros or sis" assigned to ours. So Mother Anewme that I am, I started to bake cookies and bring out elaborate treats and ask others to bring a dessert to share and we had games and skits, poetry and asked the children to contribute a song or dance (whatever they could) Its funny now to look back and think how I held so many sorry looking teenagers hostage after the bookstudy. They sat there glum and determined not to enjoy anything. They couldnt wait to leave and go sit out in the car while their parents said their goodbyes. I really tried to help them, but could only do so much. But soon word got out that ours was the happening bookstudy and the "hunks" and JW babes" started to show up after their bookstudy was over to our house. So on many summer nights it was a regular party at out house.

    Sorry, got off topic.

    I've moved halls several times, but found suitable friends wherever I went.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Tell him you can't afford the drive and you want to put kingdom interests first by saving gas money. Then you can get baptized, become a pioneer, and then go to gilead.
    Or, just go where you please. Tell the guy that you have "bathroom" problems and can't take a long drive in the car.

  • undercover

    I've been moved a couple of times as an MS. And I dutifully followed orders. But my brother went to whatever hall he wanted to. In fact, for several years he changed halls once a year because he didn't like going to Sunday afternoon meetings. Since the congregation shared a KH, each January when they switched meeting times, my brother would switch to whatever congregation had the morning meeting. Pretty ballsy I thought. Wish I had done it now.

  • PoppyR

    My younger brother is always getting moved, and it annoys the hell out of me, because he lives at home with my mum who is disabled and cant get to the meetings alone, so they are assigned to different book studies because he is a min servant and needs to take one!!! Brotherly love in action.

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