New bethel rebuild

by Gratefullyunstuck 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gratefullyunstuck

    A friend of mine who is still very much in and trying to get me back to meetings, told me her and her husband are going to project manage the new build and the sale of all the buildings in London. I said 'wow, they will have made loads of money on those properties in London' she liked a little uncomfortable..... I'm thinking as I believe they are genuine honest people, will they be exposed more to the hidden ongoings a of the society in the bethel?

    Surely all the development and program planning, is done by people knowing they have to keep people believing, so therefore, they must know it is all b#lloxs. So at what level are people 'bought on board' to work knowingly for the organisation?

    i hope this makes sense?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Mill Hill will certainly carry out extra vetting of people who are going to have access to "sensitive" data regarding the sell-off, but even so, information will leak out via estate agents etc., just like Brooklyn's sell-off.

    Info will be given on a "need-to-know" basis.

    The Org's hierarchy are paranoid because of the information leaks on the Internet!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I just talked to an elderly JW friend who is excited about all the new Kingdom Halls that are needed. I asked, Why do we need all these new buildings if The End(TM) is SO NEAR? The answer was that Jehovah will preserve them through the Great Trib into the New World. I said, But the Governments are confiscating KHs in Russia and Ukraine. How is that preserving them until the New World? I guess they will use them without lighting and without heat and with out air conditioning and without clean water in the New World because Satan's System isn't going to keep the power plants running when they are all dead and getting eaten by birds.


    I think they are just fabricating ways to ask for money. I thought Pastor Russell said they would NEVER beg for money. A shortfall of money would mean they no longer have Jehovahs blessing.



  • sowhatnow

    that be the last time you talk to that person, lol

  • BluesBrother

    Re the London Bethel project... the sort of committed dub who will arrange the sale and purchase of these properties is not likely to be affected by "worldly thinking" about the enormous cost of it all. To them, it is all "belonging to Jehovah", facilitating the wonderful work. They are unable to see the wood for the trees. The only ones to ask questions are twisted souls like us.

    Even the local dubs have no issue with it. They say that they must be found busy and active at the end, so they keep working and planning bigger and more numerous buildings in the belief that they will be filled..If the end should come before it is finished, so what? It would be pointless to be at the end with money in the bank.....

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