Demonology 101

by Nathan Natas 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Is it safe to buy old Watchtower publication from garage sales or from on-line outlets like Ebay?

    Is it possible for DEMONS to attach themselves to these "old light" publications? What could be the effect?

    A sister in West Niles, IL found a number of pre-1960 Watchtower books at a local garage sale. Being interested in the Society's earlier history and theology, she bought them. One night, as she read the book titled "Children" the letters on the page began to re-arrange themselves right before her very eyes! As if that wasn't enough, she heard a man's deep voice reading the re-arranged words, with a nearly imperceptable background of demonic chanting.

    She immediatley recalled the spiritual armour he had been provided at the meetings and repeated, "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah" seven times. The book lept into the air under its own power and tore itself asunder, reducing the entire thing to small particles of confetti, and the sister turned into a frog.

    Those who blindly submit themselves to the dictates of the Faithful Deodorant Spray will be spared such an untimely amphibian fate. Make sure all YOUR light is guaranteed fresh!

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    If the CEO of General Foods has been to a seance, it is likely that if you eat Quaker Oats for breakfast you may be exposing yourself to demons. I've seen the little bastards and they aren't pretty.

  • ChuckD

    I think the society would be doing itself a favor by adding expiration dates to publications. For example, a Watchtower printed in August 2001 would have this notice on the cover:

    Best if believed before: August 2004

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    Hmm, dang. Mine have already all gone sour! Shoot

  • julien

    ChuckD: rofl

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I read somewhere that if you keep your single edge razor blades in card board replica of Pastor Russel pyramids they will forever stay sharp.

    And never expose your razor blade to the light of a full moon (ouch).

    I know that's not that scary but try it.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • AngelofMuZiC

    You guys crack me up!!!! Especially Chuck's comment


    Expiration Date
    05/01/03 (NYC)
    05/15/03 (All other states)


  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    Nathan : I'll take this chance to tell you I enjoy your posts and your a funny person. Albeit strange.

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