by unique1 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • unique1

    As you all know by now, my parents effectively shunned me for a week with the exception of one hurtful email seen at the following.

    Yesterday they call and trying to be the good daughter that I feel I am, I answered. THEY INVITED ME TO DINNER. I however gave my hubby the cold I had last week and he wasn't up to going anywhere. This led to the question, did they invite me to dinner because they are trying to preach to me a few times before I get kicked out or if they are really not going to keep the shunning up? It almost makes me wonder if they told the elders of our association with a disfellowshipped person and were told not to worry about it. The witnesses are so sneaky you just never know what they are up to.

    Later in the day, the sister they assigned to bring me back stopped by with the Draw Close to God book and the latest magazines. She reminded me the end was near and our need for action. She asked, as she always does, if there is ANYTHING they can do to help me come back. I just say no. She is so sweet that I hate to disappoint her, but she really just doesn't get it. She can't understand how someone who KNOWS the "Truth" can leave.

    Not 10 minutes later her husband and an old family friend/elder stopped by. I told him the others had just come by but they decided to talk to me. Said they were thinking about me because my name was on their baptized but inactive list. Oddly enough, I was almost completely honest with them. I told them I had always went to meetings to please my parents, but now that I was an adult I had to make my own decisions and until I did that, I was not returning. The husband of my assigned witness went on with reading scriptures to me. Then the friend/elder asked, do you still believe this is the truth? Astounded at his perceptiveness, I paused and told him, I wasn't sure yet. He seemed to take this in stride. I knew I couldn't lie and say yes, as this would screw up my baptism nullification letter I plan on sending. (A side note on that, my husband doesn't think I should send it until we are sure we are in trouble with the elders.) They went on to tell me they were scared for me because the end was so soon. (I almost laughed). They finally left. The good thing from this is they kept mentioning my baptism but never mentioned my husbands. I wonder if they forgot he is baptised or maybe they never transferred his card from our old hall because he never attended the new one. Either way, it may keep him from getting disfellowshipped.

  • leftbelow

    That is great news

  • doinmypart

    Tough situation you're in.

    One reason you probably received so much attention yesterday may have been due to the WT lesson. It was dealing with sitting on the fence. A couple of paragraphs mentioned how some people like JW teachings but do not progress to baptism, another paragraph dealt with JWs becoming inactive due to making a living, problems, etc. The WT likened the situation to the Israelites and Baal worship, modern day JWs need to be decisive and serve Jehovah before the end gets here.

    I don't know for sure if this is why you received extra attention, just a guess. I hope things get better for you. It is sad when family acts this way for a printing company.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Hard telling the 'motive' behind the invite to dinner. But I would suspect there is more behind the scenes than you can see - there usually is I am afraid. Seems an unusual tactic if they plan on 'preaching' to you, since if they feel you have left the 'truth' it would normally be discouraged for them to share a meal. But of course it might be legit and they just want to know where you are coming from.

    Anyway, they are not 'shunning' at the moment. That is good news. Hopefully it is long term.


  • unique1
    The WT likened the situation to the Israelites and Baal worship.

    Oh great, now I bow down to statues. It is nice of them to let me know. Send in the golden calf.

  • Think

    How many milions they already lost ???

    To my mind come the picture in Matt 23:15 : "Woe into you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! for ye compas sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more thr child of hell than yourself.

    How true...

    If the religion is so good, why then people run from them as fast as they can ???

  • Saoirse
    did they invite me to dinner because they are trying to preach to me a few times before I get kicked out or if they are really not going to keep the shunning up?

    It's hard to say. My mother shunned her sister for 20 years so I'm sure she would be content in totally shunning me. My in-laws have never been able to completely shun any of the relatives that have been DFed so I'm sure we won't be totally shunned. They told us that they were going to shun us but then they stopped by our house a week later.

    I think it just depends on the individual.

    Said they were thinking about me because my name was on their baptized but inactive list.
    At least someone cared enough to try and "help you". I haven't heard from a single JW (besides my in-laws) since I quit attending.
  • sinis

    Are you sure no one else will be invited? Sounds like the PO or some other "helping" elder will be there at the dinner to "encourage" you. More than likely they will be getting a feel for where you REALLY stand.

  • unique1

    Yeah, apparently the dinner was a ulterior motive. I just spoke with my JW friend and my mom is harassing her, trying to get her to call so they can discuss me. I think mom is hoping my friend will be able to bring me around. It is going to crush my friend to hear that I don't believe this stuff anymore. I was hoping to keep it from her because I love her and her family. Alas, there is nothing I can do.

  • TallTexan
    they were scared for me because the end was so soon.

    Did you ask them if it was as close as it was in 1874, 1879, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, etc?

    Seriously, I would like to see your parents 'scriptural' (translated, WT) reasoning as to why they are shunning you if you are not df'd?

    You seemed to have made someone's list as the project of the month. You can be sure that your parents dinner invite was definitely with ulterior motive. I'd take it and use it as a chance to tell them the truth, that you love them and will always be there for them even if they have to mistakenly do what they think is right. Ask them if they think it's biblical to shun you or are they listening to the reasonings of men? Put the burden of 'severing' your relationship squarely on them where it belongs. That way they can never say you were inappropriate in any way and that you definitely took the high road.

    Hang in there. I know it's hard.

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