WTS loses work comp case -from google alerrts

by wednesday 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wednesday

    Jehovah's loses comp case

    Church may be forced to pay millions




    A 46-year-old woman who devoted her life to the Jehovah's Witnesses said she was forced to move from their Brooklyn compound after she was seriously injured while serving the church.

    But a judge's ruling this week that she is entitled to worker's compensation payments could end up costing the church millions of dollars.

    Brenda Upton and her husband, Michael, took a vow of poverty and moved to the Witnesses' Brooklyn headquarters in 1998 to work as chiropractors for other church members.

    She injured her spine while running to catch a bus at an upstate church compound later that year.

    "They take wonderful care of you up to a point, and then you're on your own," Upton said. "That's why we wound up going to court."

    She said she suffered debilitating nerve injuries that have left her barely able to carry a laundry basket. The church took care of her medical care until 2001, when she and her husband were asked to leave and were given a $79,000 stipend.

    But Workers' Compensation Law Judge Stephen Goldstein ruled Wednesday that Upton is entitled to $400 a week in workers' compensation payments.

    "I'm finding they were not religious volunteers," Goldstein said. "They were engaged, particularly Dr. Brenda Upton, in a number of work-like activities."

    The Witnesses vowed to appeal the ruling, saying Upton and the other 5,800 Witnesses who live and work in the church's New York operations are volunteers, not employees.

    But if the decision stands, the Witnesses - and other religious organizations - could potentially face millions of dollars in workers' compensation insurance premiums and payments, said church lawyer John Miller.

    "It'll pretty much put religious orders out of business," Miller said. "It would certainly impact whether we would ever want to continue operations" in New York.

    The church owns about 40 properties in downtown Brooklyn and has plans to build a huge new structure on a vacant lot.

    Miller would not speculate how the workers' compensation case would affect those plans.

    "We don't have a spiritual conflict," said Upton, who has moved with her husband to Washington State.

    "Our problem all along has been medical-legal. We are still active Jehovah's Witnesses."

    sorry, the formatting has gone nuts . I just saw danny put this article up

    i got this through my google alerts . I thought it was very interesting .I have no idea why htis is typingout in blue type and has a line undrer it.

  • observador
  • stillAwitness

    And there still wittnesses? How is that possible.

    never thought about it that way but its true. Everyone as bethel is an employee and by law should be treated like one.

    Imagine the amout of money the society is raking in by such free labor. and nobody sees it

  • greendawn

    It is indeed surprising that they didn't get disfel/ed, usually anyone that opposes the org for any reason is expelled on the grounds that anyone opposing the WTS is opposing Jehovah. Amazing, a JW suing jehovah's organisation.

  • daniel-p

    Oh, its only a matter of time - the WTS does not want to give the impression that they DF for anything other than Biblical reasons - they are likley just waiting until the heat blows over from this, at least until after their appeals process is over.

  • inbyathread

    The WTS WILL settle this case BEFORE it goes to a judge or jury. That way no prior rulings will go against them in future lawsuits.

  • AuldSoul


    They already didn't settle, and it already went before a judge, and they already lost. It is already precedent now. They are appealing it.


  • Finally-Free
    But if the decision stands, the Witnesses - and other religious organizations - could potentially face millions of dollars in workers' compensation insurance premiums and payments, said church lawyer John Miller.

    "It'll pretty much put religious orders out of business," Miller said. "It would certainly impact whether we would ever want to continue operations" in New York.

    Someone finally admits what it's really all about! Business!


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