A Christmas Miracle

by fairchild 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild

    Some of you who have bought my book might have noticed the quote by Anne Frank "I still believe that in spite of everything, people are truly good at heart"

    Today, I really believe that it is true.

    Christmas is usually a sad time for me. I don't know my family. On any given day of the year, it doesn't bother me much, but around Christmas I often think about them and wish I had a few million dollars to hire private investigators to find them for me. I was not looking forward to Christmas this year in particular, because I had gotten heart problems in the past few months and the hospital bills are piling up. My financial situation is pretty bad, to a point where I have not been able to use my heat, because I am using all my money to pay off hospital bills. Since my heart problems are still there, I had to cut back on working, so I am only working 1 day a week now, and bills are piling up.

    Things were not looking up for Christmas.

    Then this morning, someone put 4 large boxes with food on my doorsteps. So much, so much.. I won't have to go grocery shopping all winter I think. There was even toilet paper, dish soap, candy, you name it! I am like in heaven! This is way too cool. I'm still sorting out the boxes and my cupboards are full. There was also a frozen roast which I am going to cook at Christmas. And there is tuna for the cat. Lots of crackers, canned food, macaroni, flour to bake bread, you name it, I got it!!

    I am so very hapy! Merry Christmas all!!

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> Then this morning, someone put 4 large boxes with food on my doorsteps.
    >> So much, so much.. I won't have to go grocery shopping all winter I
    >> think. There was even toilet paper, dish soap, candy, you name it! I
    >> am like in heaven! This is way too cool.

    How cool is that? I'm very happy for you!

    (BTW, your book went out in the mail today, so there's another Christmas miracle for you -- I finally did something!)

    VERY happy for you, Fairchild! Merry Christmas!


  • fairchild

    Oh thank you, Dave! I can't wait to read it.

    I mailed a card to Zach last week (another post card with my cat) in case he'd lose the other one. Has he gotten it yet?

  • simplesally

    Good for you Fairchild!! Hope you have lots of fun cooking your roast and eating it up! Don't forget to save the left overs for a nice stew!!!

  • Country_Woman

    Fairchild, Have a wonderful Christmas.

    I am happy miracles still happen.

    Regards, Branda


    Did'nt know you wrote a book, what's it about ? your life, fantasy ?

  • hubert
    My financial situation is pretty bad, to a point where I have not been able to use my heat, because I am using all my money to pay off hospital bills.

    Fairchild, I don't think the hospital can do anything to you, as long as you pay them a small amount each month, say 30 bucks. If I were you, I'd look into it. So what if it takes you years to pay it. I don't remember who you would contact in the hospital, but someone else on this board may know what I am talking about.

    So sorry to hear you are having bad times, Fairchild, but I'm happy to hear that some people helped you out in your time of need.

    Merry Christmas !


  • LDH

    This is proof that "God" uses simple sinners, natch, human beings to do his good deeds.

    Thank Dog for good human beings. Merry Christmas to you.

  • lonelysheep

    Fairchild, I'm very happy someone suprised you with all that food today!

  • fairchild

    I just finished the dishes. I cooked the roast, opened the beans (one of the million cans that were in the boxes, I also made mashed potatoes and gravy and I made abrosia for dessert with much of the fresh fruit that was given to me. I think it was the best Christmas meal I ever had. Even the cat is happy, I gave her a can of tuna and she purred her way through it.

    Hubert, there are three hospitals in my area (well, they are down in the city, but I mean 3 hospitals within a 50 mile distance from here). Two of them have no problems with people paying what they can afford as long as they pay something. The third hospital however (the only one which is "religious") raises HELL if you don't pay your bills ASAP. They are known for their ruthlessness all over here, so usually people who don't have health insurance make sure to avoid this hospital. problem is that I had to have certain tests done which are only done in that particular hospital. I know the drill... they give you three months to pay your bill. Of course when a bill is high, sometimes it is not possible to pay it off in three months. You can apply for an extension for another three months, which involves a lot of paperwork, proof of income, etc.. etc... but they won't go over a total of 6 months. If the bill is not paid in 6 months they automatically send it to a collection agency. Of course, unless a miracle happens, I won't be able to pay my bill within 6 months, but I'm trying. On top of that I am also paying off on bills from the other hospital. My bills are up to $4,000 but I haven't received all of them yet.

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