Last Days - Gus Van Sant - My Gushing Review

by tetrapod.sapien 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i rented "Last Days" by Gus Van Sant today.

    Kurt Cobain killed himself when i was in grade 11. i am sure i was his biggest fan. his death had a big effect on me.

    i have been waiting for this movie for 11 years. gus van sant crafting with great genius, the story of the final days of kurt cobain, with his own fictional twists.

    the movie, IMO, is a work of sheer genius. i have not been stimulated like that since the heady days of kubrick.

    if you consider yourself part of that generation, cobain's generation, i highly recommend you rent the film too.


  • misanthropic

    Wow yeah I'm going to have to rent that one.

    It looked like it didn't get a very good rating just 2 stars out of 5 and they didn't have very nice things to say but I usually never agree with the reviewers, so I'll have to see it myself.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    there is also a really hillarious scene where two mormon boys come to the door, and are invited in by one of his friends and a disscussion ensues.

    so crazy! a trip down memory lane.

    some of my favorite movies ever are ones that got poor reviews from whoever. a main stream critic, or just suburban kids online. whatever. it's gus van sant. you know: My Own Private Idaho. i think he's a genius myself.

    anyways, sit back and enjoy it cobain style, if you get my meaning.


  • nilfun
    it's gus van sant.

    Sounds interesting.

    I recently watched "Elephant", another Gus Van Sant film, for the first time. The experience of following the students down the hallways of the school had echoes of DOOM, the game said to have been favored by the Columbine killers -- did it symbolize labyrinthine paths we must all take, finding our way towards the center and back out again -- or does the labyrinth become a trap? It leaves you with so much to ponder on so many levels. The film was simply mesmerizing.

  • Crumpet
    some of my favorite movies ever are ones that got poor reviews from whoever. a main stream critic, or just suburban kids online. whatever. it's gus van sant. you know: My Own Private Idaho. i think he's a genius myself.

    Tetrapod - I agree reviews are helpful but I often don;t agree - depends on who is reviewing really. And am a big fan of Nirvana too.

  • Crumpet

    was it gus van sant who directed a movie i week called "Elephant"? based on the columbine killings?

  • AlmostAtheist

    DanTheMan recommended to me as a movie review site. He's right, it rocks. On that site, this movie gets a 6/10 and a rating of "Fresh". 60% of Critics liked it, 68% of users liked it.


  • nilfun
    was it gus van sant who directed a movie i week called "Elephant"? based on the columbine killings?

    Yes, that was Gus Van Sant. Here's the site:

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