An Anatomy of Megachurches

by one 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • one


    "An Anatomy of Megachurches, The new look for places of worship."

  • DanTheMan

    The clunky, forced, and uninspired architecture of these churches reveal a clunky, forced, and uninspired religiousness of the congregants who attend.

    I grew up attending a Catholic Church that had been built in the 1950's or 1960's. It was built from stone and from the first glimpse of it you knew it was a church, it had an interesting design. Eventually they reached a point where they had to either tear it down or replace it, they chose the latter. The new church looks like some McMansion or a suburban corporate building,

  • jgnat

    The trick to these megachurches is on the INSIDE people attach themselves to intimate cell groups.

  • luna2

    My sister goes to one in Houston, TX. I've never discussed it with her because we would likely have come to blows as she is a born-again baptist and I was a nutcase JW. I might ask her more about it the next time I see her...although I can still feel a sort of resistance to all religion bloom inside me when I think about it.

    The small cell-groups make sense. I know she works in either the library or the book store in this place, so she probably has met more people than the average church member.

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