Halloween at Ziddy's House!!!

by ziddina 66 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ziddina
  • QuitWastingTIME

    Hi, All.

    Wow, I must say I'm a little surprised to find such dedication and hard work put into this set piece. Well, not really, I see those kinds of things all the time in my area. Good job on the decorations. Looks like a lot of money was put into it. But then again, for me, Time IS Money. But I have to say I'm not quite understanding this... ha ha, at the very top of this site you see the URL JEHOVAHS-WITNESS.net. And then, just below that, I'm looking at photos of Halloween decorations. I'm not sure I understand the scope of this website. Can someone enlighten me without being judgemental? I've been trolling these forums and I know there are all types in it: Ex JWs who wish to remain Christian of some sort who convert to another form of Christianity, then those who become agnostic, then those who become atheist, then most of whom are lurking in the Kingdom Halls, etc etc. But I haven't been trolling the board long enough to understand the mental metamorphosis that goes from being a JW to celebrating Halloween. I dare say, even some fundamental Baptists don't celebrate Halloween.

    Please don't judge, Zid, I don't even know you, and I haven't looked at your posts (since it's not that easy to search anyway) to determine what your "alignment" is. But I thought it was funny that I'm at a website that has as it's header JEHOVAH'S WITNESS at the top and then to see something so NOT Witness in its contents.

    I'm not judging, so please don't judge me in your comments. Thank you :)

  • james_woods

    But I haven't been trolling the board long enough to understand the mental metamorphosis that goes from being a JW to celebrating Halloween.

    Some of us viewed the holiday celebrations as a kind of "rite of passage" when we quit the JWs - even many without a religion now still do Christmas or Halloween.

    We just realized that other than JW superstition, there was nothing wrong with this.

  • Soldier77

    Do the eye sockets of the skulls light up Zid? Cool deco!Spiders woulda freaked me out as a kid... hell, they still freak me out!

  • snowbird

    Ziddy, you are a hot mess!

    Girlfriend, you got that all up in you!

    QuitWastingTime, welcome to the forum.

    This site is made up mostly of former JW's who grew tired of the Watch Tower's interference in their lives.

    Stick around and get to know some of the posters, such as Ziddina. She's a great writer, and in no time, she'll have you splitting your sides with laughter.

    I think you'll like it here.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Ziddy that was great ! You obviously enjoy life girl :)

    Quit Wasting Time ........I myself grew up as a JW, and recently quit after being fed up with the persistant pressure of having a manmade religious organization trying to tell me how to live my life . My whole life I was not allowed to follow my OWN conscience ,but rather the conscience of men that wrote JW literature .

    I have come to the realization that holidays are a way people celebrate life , family ,fun and make memories to look back on in fondness . I really don't care how they began .......It is how we view it today that counts . I view dressing up and handing out candy to kids as good clean fun .

    I am sick and tired of the humdrum life I was forced to live as a JW . I no longer view life as if God is looking at me through a microscope judging every little thing I do .

    I also am not judgemental any more of how others choose to celebrate OR Not celebrate life . To each his own .

  • ziddina

    Hi, QuitWastingTime!!!

    Your question - NO problem!!!!! (Though I suspect that one of the moderators = like Simon or Lady Lee - could explain the history of the site better...)

    I came to this site a year ago. However, this site has been running for around 9 years - in one form or another...

    It started OUT as a pro-Jehovah's Witness site. Only active Jehovah's Witnesses; an apostate "heathen" - Neo-PolyTheist - like myself, would not have been welcome on this 'board', at that time... Especially if I were posting a thread such as this one...

    However, over time, the site morphed - evolved - from a "pro" Jehovah's Witness site, into one in which people could freely ask questions, raise issues, vent their anger over such injustices as shunning, wrongful disfellowshippings, paedophile predators being allowed to roam freely within congregations, while their accusers - often very young victims - were intimidated into silence...

    This site as you see it now, is the inevitable outcome - outgrowth - of FREEDOM of expression regarding the dogma and public/private operating policies of the Watchtower Society.

    There is much that you will see - and learn - here, that they will NEVER teach you or allow you to find out within the halls of the Watchtower Society...

    Does that sort-of answer your question???

    Zid - the board's resident she-devil... she devil smiley

  • ziddina

    Oh, and Quit???

    It didn't take much time nor dedication - set up was around 16 hours but that included getting 13 ghosts and several other new items ready - tear-down took about 1 1/2 hours; repair and re-packing took another 4 hours. Cost was around $55 bucks at the "60% off sale" at Jo-Ann Fabrics for the four new tombstones and the 'grabbit' candy dish and the 'black widow spider' and the "raven" and several other items...

    But keep in mind that I've been 'out' of the Jehovah's Witnesses for around 25 years...

    I started celebrating so-called "Pagan" holidays within a year of my departure - I disassociated myself in 1983...

    And just to let you know, when I left I didn't know 9/10ths of the stuff I've learned on-line since I left, both from this site and others...

    The key to building a "nice" display like this one is to pick up one or two new items each year. After a few years, one could develop a decent inventory of decorations. Also, especially for Halloween, home-made decorations can be better than store-bought, though I do like my 'spiders' (store-bought), my 'tarantula', and the 'skulls-lights' along the driveway...

    The 'ghosts' are home-made, scraps from my sewing room; my "dragon" - which I will post pix of shortly - is home-made, except for the mask, and the 'candy corn wreath' is home-made. I saw some gorgeous 'tombstones' at a nearby home - she'd made her tombstones from scrap lumber, and they were MUCH better than those 'paint-over-foam' and tin-foil-wrapped-foam tombstones that I bought...

    Halloween can be TONS of fun - 'scary' stuff, candy, cobwebs, light-up necklaces, dragons and witches and skeletons OH MY!!! But one does need to stop taking themselves - and "gloom-doom-disaster" dogma - seriously, and LIGHTEN UPand have FUN!!!

    So, if you ever get to the point that you want to celebrate, there are several of us on-board who can help you get started...

    Zid - the she-devil... she devil smiley

  • ziddina

    Hi, Soldier77, Sylvia, Troubled Mind!!!

    Soldier 77, all three spiders have red eyes that light up - in fact, they all flash or blink, and the "black widow" yowls and howls and screams... The two darker tombstones' eyes light up - one's got red eyes - and it laughs evilly, too... The other one has larger green eyes that light up and IT also laughs and screams!!! The skulls along the driveway have lights in them, so the entire skull lights up - had 15 of them along the driveway and front walk...

    My neighbor has given me her night-time pix, so as soon as they're loaded, you can see the night version, too - with ME as the dragon!!!

    Sylvia!!!! You're SUCH a sweetheart!! I just don't deserve such high praise... Now, if you'd just told Quit that I'm really, truly devilish... Seriously, Quit would do well to follow YOUR writing; you are an EXCELLENT writer - and a very compassionate person!!

    Hi there, Troubled Mind!! THANK YOU!!! Excellent explanation for Quit Wasting Time! I blush to admit - I replied to his/her post before reading everyone else's...


  • ziddina

    James Woods!!! Excellent points!!!

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