I have decided to worship Thor

by elderelite 43 Replies latest members private

  • elderelite

    I know some here have taken to worshipping the FSM, and for i time i considered becoming a pastafarian... But then i realized that Thor and his band of demi god brethren had been worshipped possibly as far back as 1700 BC (1701 bce for all you dubbies) i figure its as good and reliable as worship of a desert shephearding god. Also considering some of the narative simiarities to the son odin and the son of the desert shephearding god, it works me. Kind of a reverse conversion :-D

    Thus i now serve Thor and look to him for guidance. He also has one kick ass movie role going about now! Avengers is awesome!!!!

  • C6H12O6

    good choice, Thor doesn't even ask for human sacrifices

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Good thinking EE. I might join you. At least he's related. None of my ancestors were middle east goat herders.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I damned near bought a nice Thor's hammer pendant at a market. You shoulda seen the face of the Dub with me. You'd think it was a cross with a bleeding Jesus hanging off it. They looked like would be frightened to get in the car with me, so I left it there.

  • elderelite

    :-O Damn black sheep! I would have loved to see it..... Never too late though :-D And since i can claim some strong germanic/norse ties it makes sense culturaly for me as well! Far more so than the desert tribes god and his son. I thank Thor my eyes have been opened!

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    Are you going to have a special observance for him every Thursday because that day of the week was named after him? Let's now call Thursday, Thor's Day. We could go further and use the real names of the other days of the week.

    Monday - Moon Day

    Tuesday - Tiw's Day - Norse god of single combat

    Wednesday - Wodin Day - Main Norse god - Father of Thor

    Thursday - Thor's Day - Norse hammer-wielding god associated with thunder

    Friday - Frigg Day - Main female Norse god - Wife of Odin

    Saturday - Saturn Day - The Hellenistic astrologer Vettius Valens named that day after the planet

    Sunday - Sun Day

    The majority of our work week is named after the Norse gods. Those slave drivers.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Thor the son of Odin, "Thor versus The Hulk, great "Marvel comic, watch it! Hulk almost destroyed Helena's world of the dead! Why does she listen to her father Loki? Loki trys to destroy everything, than feels regret about destroying the seven worlds.

    Elderite, you could worship Thor the cool alien from Stargate SG1, part of the alliance that has protected us from the Gouald Invasion?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Norse gods are characters in The Almighty Johnsons on NZ's TV3. It's time better spent than any night in a KH.


    The Almighty Johnsons is a new South Pacific Pictures comedy-drama series about four brothers, raised in heartland New Zealand, who also happen to be the living incarnations of Norse Gods. They even have their own super-God-powers. Sort of - it's just that their powers aren't actually all that powerful. Well, not yet - but that could all change soon


  • cantleave

    You can worship whatever false god you want EE.

    You know the FSM is the only TRUE god.

  • mP

    All gods are the same, El is Jehovah is Thor is Jupiter. The OT is not about worshipping the right god, its about paying dues to the right priests.

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