DubYap - What is it ?

by EdenOne 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • EdenOne

    From WikiDub:

    "DubYap is the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of the very special religious group known as Jehovah's Witnesses. As philosopher Condillac observed in 1782, "every [religion] requires a special language, because every [religion] has its own ideas ... It seems that one ought to begin by composing this language, but people begin by speaking and writing, and the language remains to be composed." A reminiscence of old trade languages used by people who spoke different native tongues to communicate, DubYap is used by Jehovah's Witnesses who speak different languages and live in diverse geographical regions of the globe.

    It has developed as a kind of shorthand, to express ideas that were frequently discussed between members of the group, though it has been developed deliberately using chosen terms taken from their own version of the Bible, the New World translation of the Holy Scriptures, and from several doctrine books published over the years. For example, the term "Blue Bomb" is commonly understood among the Jehovah's Witnesses to referr to the book "Truth That Leads to Eternal Life", published in 1977, which had a deep blue cover, and whose powerful debunking of rival christian doctrines earned it such title. Among the Jehovah's Witnesses, a standard term may be given a more precise or unique usage among practitioners of a field. For example, the term "Pioneer" amongst the Witnesses denotes a publisher of the Good News (TM) that spends a pre-vowed amount of hours in the said service for a period of one month or one year. In many cases this usage of language causes a barrier to communication with those not familiar with the language of the field. For example, often Jehovah's Witnesses use the term "other sheep" in a way that would confound most shepherds, biologists, zoophiles and other experts, since it's used to refer to people amongst their ranks who do not share into the hope of a heavenly call for salvation, but rather, their hope consists in living forever on a paradise on earth. Sometimes, the terms from DubYap are blatantly used in front of non-members as a code, a message hidden in plain sight. An example of this is when engaging in the door-to-door witnessing, and their visit is dismissed by the householder, some Witnesses will audibly deem such person as a "he-goat", a derrogatory term taken from Matthew 25:31-46 as a codename for someone who is marked for eternal doom.

    DubYap is largely present in the Witnesses' everyday language, in their publications, official documents and scheduled meetings. Many Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy agressively engaging each other in conversation heavily loaded with DubYap as means to test each other's spirituality level. This has resulted in a few cases of closet apostates [mentally diseased dissenters] to be outed and consequently lovingly disfellowshipped from the local congregation - a temporary mild form of discipline among the Witnesses, the modern- day benign equivalent to lapidation in ancient Israel, which usually results in the repentant ostracized "spiritually dead" member to come back to its senses and return to the herd. "


  • EdenOne

    Why don't we start a compilation of DubYap terms ?


    "Blue Bomb" = Truth That Leads to Eternal Life book


  • Fernando

    EdenOne, I suspect you have just been nominated WikiDub editor.

    May I be the first to wish you many fulfilling hours of demystifying mysterious DubLand and DubYap for dumbfounded householders and their families.

    Of course Dubs too will benefit from better understanding their own language and culture and why it may be quite undesireable for normal folk.

  • Fernando

    "Apostate" = Anyone that disagrees with us no matter how wrong, or deluded or blind we are.

  • Fernando

    "Drapetomania" anyone?

    The GB have finally identified the mysterious disease that afflicts members who begin dissenting and wanting their freedom.

    Appropriate levels of Authoritarianism are seen as a method to prevent this condition.

    Failing that it is recommended to chop off the offenders two big toes by means of d/f and shunning.

  • Oubliette

    I started associating with JWs in the 80's and never once heard the term, "Blue Bomb!"

    It must be an example of ancient DubYap, the JW equivalent of sanskrit.


    Is DUBYAP similar to DUDBEAR? I can see it happening.

    Dubbish is a very simple language, and there isn’t very much you can really say in it.

    Dub! – a greeting, also means yes

    Dud – means no and also goodbye

    Duba – you

    Duda – me

    Dubba – friends

    Bubu – Dudbear

    Gugu – all other creatures

    Da – light and stars

    Ba – night

    Dadda – light

    Dubababa – many or very

    Du – little

    Baba – music

    Dada – please

    Gak – used to show displeasure

    Bub? – used if you don’t understand

    Now a few simple changes to DUBYAP.

    Dubyap is a very simple language, and there isn’t very much you can really say in it.


    JDub! – a greeting, also means yes

    JDud – means no and also goodbye

    JDuba – you

    JDuda – me

    JDubba – friends/ regular publishers/ exemplary

    JBubu – Jehovah ( pointing skyward)/ JW individuals ( no inflecton/emotion )

    JGobo- Governing Body / FDS

    Wugu – all other creatures/worldy people

    Jpub- all publications produced by JGobo

    JDa – new light/ day/ love/ good

    JBa – night/ old light/ bad

    JDadda – The Truth/ speculation/ idea/ assume / guess

    JDubababa – many or very

    JDu – little

    JDudu- big

    JBaba – Kingdom Melodies

    JDada – obey/ be blessed

    Gak – used to show displeasure/ Apostate/ Apostacy/ DF

    JBub? – used if you don’t understand/ doubt/ fear ( seldom used in conjuction with JDadda, except by a Gak )

    A simple phrase in DUBYAP.

    English: The GB is good. The little flock is good. The truth is good. I love the truth. I do not love those who do not love the truth

    DUBYAP: JGobo JDa! JBubu Jdud JGobo JDu JDa! JDadda JDa! JDuda JDa JDadda! Gak, JDuda JDud JDa Wugu, Wugu JDud JDadda!

    DUBYAB can be difficult to master. There are many variations among JWs, the dialect may differ somewhat from region to region. Inflection and gesturing appropriately can be a challenge. Taking your time and showing personal interest works best. JDada JGobo JDada!


  • EdenOne

    I started associating with JWs in the 80's and never once heard the term, "Blue Bomb!"

    Really? I'm surprised, actually. It was a common DubYap expression, still in use today among older folk. At least where I live, but I don't think it's a case of DubYap regionalism. Even in recent years I've heard a member of the GB using that expression (S. Lett) when he visited this country.

    Other DubYap expressions:

    "other sheep" = people who expect to live forever in a paradise on earth.

    "mother" = the Organization

    "New Order" = another word for "earthly paradise. It's been slowly discontinued in recent years.

    "Jonadabs" = Very old expression, used to refer to those with an earthly hope.

    "celestial chariot" = God's heavenly Organization, as per the vision of Ezekiel.

    bring it on more!


  • EdenOne

    DUBYAB can be difficult to master.

    Years and years and years of diligent practice and you finally master it ....


  • slimboyfat

    What about words to describe what really goes on in the "truth":

    dubcringe - the feeling you get when on the ministry and someone from school answers the door

    dubwear - cheap suits

    dubfriends - friends who will drop you if they discover you are not slavishly loyal to the Governing Body

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