I am so Excited!!!

by codeblue 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • codeblue

    Well, it almost took 2 weeks to get them, but they finally came in the mail today. Yahooooooooooooooooo!!!

    I haven't been this excited in a long time. Pyschology fascinates me.

    I just received both of Steve Hassan's books: Combatting Cult Mind Control and Releasing the Bonds....

    Wishing I would have had these before deal with a certain family relative....(you all know what I am talking about)....

    How many of you have read these books?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    CB Expect a lot of emotions to surface. You will see yourself, others and gain much clarity.

    I found a second reading was helpful since I read them straight through the first time

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey codeblue

    Nice to hear someone else excited about Steve Hassans books. I've been preaching about his books on the forum for some time.

    They were great. Even though there are those who you still won't be able to guide out of the J.W.'s, I found it very very beneficial for myself to read them and see how I was set up to be programmed by them.

    My brother shotgun sent it to me as a gift. It is a really good book.. I am having my 17 year old read it soon... because you can get sucked in by more things than just the J.W.'s..


    Special K

  • Special K
    Special K

    Okay Lady Lee. I see that brand new Mathew grandson of yours in the avatar.. So cute ..

    Special K

  • codeblue

    Special K: Yes, I am already getting the sense of what you have commented on....Wished I would have ordered these a lot sooner!!!

    Lady Lee: I totally agree....from what I have already read....re-reading will be benificial.

    .........and btw....cute grandchild (how sweet!)


  • garybuss

    I read them both, and a couple hundred more:-) Enjoy! GaryB

  • blondie

    CB, I read Combatting and now almost done with Releasing. I agree a second reading helps and make specific plans on what you can use and apply in your own life and with family/friends (I sound like a WT!!!!).

    So I have been re-reading and make notes for my own situation considering them cheat notes.


  • Special K
    Special K

    I like that blondie.. Cheat Notes..

    special k

  • codeblue

    Blondie: You are so funny!!! lol

  • Stefanie

    How are you today CodeBlue? Hope you are feeling better sweetie.

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